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This is a Guide page.
This is a Guide page.
This means the page will walk you through a specific task, strategy, or enemy/boss fight.
Status: Subject to revision (This Guide does not meet certain quality standards and may be heavily outdated.)
  • Issues:
     • Most likely outdated since .. Remember not to delete pre-1.4 content; use {{eicons}} and {{eversions}}!
     • Some events needs to be split due to a surge of new content or to prevent bloating. Events that might need new pages are: Pirate Invasion and Solar Eclipse.
    Things to do:
     • Solve the comments and rewrites.
  • 本指南涵盖了Terraria1.3.5.3目前为止中出现的所有事件

    血月[ | ]

    Blood Moon Defense

    血月是玩家通常遇到的第一个事件,因为一但玩家的生命值达到120以上,它每晚有1/9的机会发生。在活动期间,屏幕上敌人出现的最大数量和生成率都急剧增加,成群的敌人会在同一时间出现。此外,怪物的产生会完全无视NPC所造成的生成率的降低。在这个事件中,僵尸获得了破门而入的能力,给房屋内的NPC带来了巨大的危险。新的敌人,如 滴滴怪滴滴怪, 血腥僵尸腥僵, 以及困难模式下的 小丑小丑 也会产生。

    事实证明,这个事件会加大你在最初泰拉瑞亚冒险中的难度。然而, 这也是非常有利可图的,因为滴滴怪血腥僵尸有机会掉落鲨牙项链鲨牙项链钱币槽钱币槽,这两样东西都是独一无二的,特别有用。此外, 增加的生成率将适用于整个世界, 使养成特有生物群落的物品更加容易。

    一般来说,只要把所有的门都堵住,不让它们由外面打开,或者干脆把入口完全堵住,就可以在 "血月 "中生存下来。

    哥布林军队[ | ]

    Merge 有人建议该页面或其部分与Guide:Goblin Army strategies合并。

    哥布林会出现在出生点,并杀死他们找到的任何NPC。他们会不断地生成,直到进度条满了为止,这时他们就被打败了。它们可以通过使用哥布林战旗哥布林战旗生成, 或者在黎明时有1/20的几率在摧毁至少一个暗影珠暗影珠 / 猩红之心猩红之心之后,有至少一个玩家达到 200 生命之后产生。


    基地附近的一块长而平坦的场地将是对付军队的最佳地点,因为它离出生点足够近,出现的同时可以让哥布林远离NPC。一次能对多个敌人造成伤害的武器,如 太空枪太空枪 or 小丑之箭丑之 ,对消灭敌群很有用。


    撒旦军队[ | ]

    Merge 有人建议该页面或其部分与Guide:Old One's Army strategies合并。
    Desktop versionConsole versionMobile versionNintendo Switch versiontModLoader version
    Desktop/Console/Mobile/Switch/tModLoader-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, Mobile, Switch, and tModLoader versions of Terraria.

    撒旦军队是一个独特的事件,因为玩家在游戏中的进展越大,它就越高级,而且敌人不会专注于杀死玩家,相反,他们会试图摧毁用来召唤它的 永恒水晶永恒水晶 。敌人会掉落一种独特的临时物品 埃特尼亚魔力埃特尼亚魔力, 用来召唤酒馆老板的哨兵,事件结束后就会消失。

    该事件分为7(第一级别5个,第二级别6个)波 ,每波都比上一波更难。当所有波次都完成后,事件将结束,玩家将获得护卫奖章和在事件之外使用酒馆老板的哨兵的能力。如果 永恒水晶永恒水晶 被敌人摧毁,事件将提前结束,玩家不会得到任何奖励。

    海盗入侵[ | ]

    For more elaborate strategies on defeating Pirate Invasions, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Pirate Invasion § Tips.


    在摧毁至少一个 恶魔祭坛恶魔祭坛 / 猩红祭坛猩红祭坛之后如果它尚未被击败,将有~4%的几率发生。否则有~2%的几率发生。



    • 海盗水手海盗水手, 就像哥布林苦力一样,他是一个没有特殊攻击的普通敌人。
    • 海盗弩手海盗弩手, 用她的弩射出高伤害的烈焰箭
    • 鹦鹉鹦鹉, 一个飞行的敌人,生命值低但伤害高。
    • 海盗神射手海盗神射手, 他以极快的速度射出子弹。
    • 私船海盗私船海盗, 一个速度非常快的敌人,具有很高的抗击退能力和伤害。
    • 海盗船长海盗船长, 一个能够以比海盗神射手更快的速度发射高伤害子弹的小 Boss。它偶尔会发射一个炮弹,击中后会造成大量伤害。
    • 荷兰飞盗船荷兰飞盗船, 一个飞行Boss,会产生其他海盗并发射炮弹。只有摧毁它的所有大炮才能杀死它。


    日食[ | ]

    在任意一个机械 Boss 被打败后,日食有 5*1/20 (5%) 的几率在任何一天开始发生。该事件将产生非常强大的敌人,其中大部分也有特殊的掉落:

    •  沼泽怪, 弗里茨科学怪人学怪他们的行为和僵尸一样,但他们的速度更快,明显拥有更高的属性。
    • 水月怪水月怪 是类似的,但在水中会变得更快。它在被杀时有很低的几率掉落 海神贝壳海神贝壳
    • 攀爬魔攀爬魔 的速度非常快,并有能力在墙上爬行,这样做时会变得更快,更不容易被击退。
    • 吸血鬼 的伤害很高,如果玩家在它们上面,可以变成蝙蝠。 它们被击杀时极少会掉落 月亮石月亮石破蝙蝠之翼破蝙蝠之翼
    • 眼怪 是一种不常见的敌人,它的眼睛有发射激光的能力。它在被击杀死后有几率掉落 弹簧眼弹簧眼宠物。

    在所有三个 机械 Boss被打败后,还会有一个敌人和一个小Boss生成:

    •  死神死神的行为类似 幻灵幻灵,但属性会更高。 他们被击杀时有很低的几率掉落他们的 死神镰刀
    • 蛾怪蛾怪 是这次事件的小Boss。它的攻击方式是向玩家猛冲,而且会停下来在地上产卵,如果不杀死,就会孵化成蛾怪宝宝。它在被杀死时偶尔会掉落断裂英雄剑断裂英雄剑 而在击败 世纪之花后,会掉落 克苏鲁之眼克苏鲁之眼蛾怪之翼蛾怪之翼.

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    Desktop/Console/Mobile/Switch/tModLoader-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, Mobile, Switch, and tModLoader versions of Terraria.


    • 屠夫 的速度非常快,并能造成高额的接触伤害。它们在被击杀时极少会掉落它们的 屠夫链锯
    • 致命球 的速度并不快,但它们的高伤害和高防御使它们变的非常危险。由于它们的体积小,可能很难看到,所以总是要谨慎点。他们在被击杀时极少会掉落致命球法杖致命球法杖
    • 苍蝇人博士蝇人博的生命值很低,但他们投掷的 毒气瓶会造成严重的范围伤害。它们在被击杀时有几率掉落 毒气瓶毒气瓶
    • 钉头 的速度很慢,但有极高的生命值,并射出多个低伤害的钉子。它们在被击杀时极少掉落 钉枪钉枪
    • 变态人 将在几乎看不见的隐形状态下,当玩家靠近时,他们将开始攻击。他们的伤害非常高,所以必须始终注意他们。

    只有蛾怪蛾怪死神死神具有穿过物块的能力, 所以如果没有一个简单的出口,在地面上的盒子里战斗就不那么可靠。

    雪人军团[ | ]

    雪人军团不会自己出现。玩家必须从 礼物礼物 中获得 水晶雪球水晶雪球 来召唤它们。召唤物品只能在困难模式中获得,但军团在困难模式之前的世界中仍然可以召唤和击败。

    雪人军团有三个独特的敌人,分别叫 戳刺先生戳刺先生, 雪人暴徒雪人暴徒, 和 巴拉雪人巴拉雪人



    霜月[ | ]

    Merge 有人建议该页面或其部分与Guide:Frost Moon strategies合并。



    南瓜月[ | ]

    Merge 有人建议该页面或其部分与Guide:Pumpkin Moon strategies合并。
    更详细的攻略,包括装备和战斗场地的建议,请看: Pumpkin Moon strategies

    南瓜月是一个困难模式下世纪之花后的事件, 其中入侵世界的敌人是以万圣节为主题的。只有在夜间的时候制作并使用一个 南瓜月勋章南瓜月勋章才能开启它。


    火星暴乱[ | ]

    Desktop versionConsole versionMobile versionNintendo Switch versiontModLoader version
    Desktop/Console/Mobile/Switch/tModLoader-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, Mobile, Switch, and tModLoader versions of Terraria.
    Merge 有人建议该页面或其部分与Guide:Martian Madness strategies合并。

    火星暴乱 是石巨人后的事件。 只有当玩家在野外发现 火星探测器火星探测器,然后让它逃到太空时,才会发生这种情况。


    • 灰咕噜, 是这次事件的普通敌人。
    • 激光枪手光枪, 拥有类似的行为,但属性较低,能够用枪发射激光。
      • 偶尔,它们会骑着 鳞甲怪鳞甲怪出现, 成为一个鳞甲怪枪手。 鳞甲怪的移动速度非常快,造成高接触伤害,它的骑手会发射激光,使其成为一个致命的敌人。 鳞甲怪枪手有很低的几率掉落 扰脑器,这将使玩家能够骑上他们自己的扰脑怪。
    • 火星走妖星走 是一种速度非常快的敌人,可以快速发射激光,拥有大量的生命 并且对 击退免疫。由于他们高大的体型和低跳跃,他们很容易被阻挡住。
    • 火星飞船星飞 是小敌怪 ,伤害 和生命都很低。它只能通过向玩家猛冲来进行攻击,它本身一接触就会自我毁灭。 它是入侵行动中唯一可以穿透物块的敌人。
    • 电击怪 的行为与灰咕噜 相似,但它们在击中时造成 带电带电的减益 ,这将使玩家在移动时迅速失去生命 。
    • 火星工程师星工程 的属性很低,但他们可以部署 特斯拉炮塔斯拉炮,向玩家射出电光弹,从而造成带电的 减益 。 应该迅速杀死工程师,因为它们可以很容易地用炮塔压制玩家。
    • 火星军官星军 会生成一个 泡泡护盾保护着,玩家需要在之前杀死它。如果泡泡护盾被摧毁后没有迅速杀死军官,它将再次激活。
    • 扰脑怪 与激光枪手 相似,他们的绿色激光弹在击中后会造成 困惑困惑 减益。
    • 火星飞碟火星飞碟 是这个事件 的Boss。它将交替使用炮塔向玩家的位置发射激光, 大炮发射自动寻的导弹, 然后在使用死亡射线 攻击玩家。在它的 炮塔 和大炮被摧毁后,玩家将能够对它的核心造成伤害,但它的 死亡射线会造成更大的伤害。飞碟 也将比以前更积极地行动。 杀死后,它会掉落一个独特的武器或物品。

    和其他事件一样,几乎所有的敌人都缺乏直接攻击或穿过物块的能力 ,所以站在一个封闭的空间里会是一个好主意,尤其是在1.4.0.1之前, 火星飞碟 在空旷的地方很难被打败。

    熔岩坑也很有效,因为它可以在玩家专注于火星飞碟的时候,对付地面上的敌人。请注意,熔岩会在鳞甲怪枪手之前杀死 鳞甲怪 , 所以如果玩家想要 扰脑怪物品的话,就不应该这样做。

    一个熔岩坑的例子,配有 心/星星雕像 和与 计时器相连的陷阱。

    月亮事件[ | ]

    Merge 有人建议该页面或其部分与Guide:Lunar Events strategies合并。
    Desktop versionConsole versionMobile versionNintendo Switch versiontModLoader version
    Desktop/Console/Mobile/Switch/tModLoader-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, Mobile, Switch, and tModLoader versions of Terraria.
    关于该事件的具体指南,包括装备建议和每个天柱 的攻略,请参考: 指南:月亮事件攻略.

    月亮事件 会在击败 拜月教邪教徒 Boss 后发生。入侵由四个天界柱 组成,放在世界的一个特定地方。它们每个人都专注于四个类别中的一个:近战, 远程,魔法和召唤师分别代表 日耀, 星旋, 和星尘柱。

    当靠近天柱时,许多不同的敌人会开始攻击玩家。为了破坏天柱,玩家需要杀死 100/150 个敌人来摧毁保护它的盾 。

    在打败四个天柱 后,会出现 "即将到来的厄运 "的信息,不久后月神就会产生。

    通用攻略[ | ]

    通用技巧[ | ]

    This content is transcluded from 指南:实用技巧 § 战斗.

    • 在太阳刚刚落山(下午 7:30)之后开始战斗会提供大量的时间来击败仅在夜间出现的 Boss。在困难模式下,月光护身符月光护身符 和/或 月亮石月亮石 及其升级版在夜间也很好用。

    大炮[ | ]

    海盗 那里购买大炮大炮兔兔炮兔兔炮,带来了强大的火力来保护基地。请记住,你必须在 大炮旁边(并且有弹药)才能有效地使用它; 当用 电线远程使用时,大炮的炮弹不会造成任何伤害。

    熔岩[ | ]


    请注意,被熔岩杀死的敌人不会被 杀怪计数器杀怪计数器 记录,也不会获得旗帜。

    熔岩护城河[ | ]

    由于怪物不能在熔岩上生成,你可以迫使怪物在一个缩小的区域内生成,以便更有效地用 机关, 哨兵, 和其它 攻击来影响它们。 创建一个10至15个物块宽的 "生成面"。Surround it by lava moats about 40 blocks wide on both sides, and fill up any nearby holes or cave. While the event is happening, make sure to keep the spawn surface out of sight, for instance by standing on a platform high enough above it.

    This will make the enemies spawn in one, concentrated area where they can easily be killed by Traps, lava or Area of Effect weapons.

    Sentries[ | ]

    Events are the ideal situation for using sentry summons, as they are powerful but stationary defenses, and you have to defend an area. Using an armor set from the Tavernkeep to allow to summon several sentries will let you take care of most regular enemies as quickly as they arrive, allowing you to concentrate on the stronger menaces. With a Bewitching Table and a 召唤药水召唤药水 you can combine sentries with a few more mobile minions for assistance. Sentries can also be combined with weapons that have a lasting area of effect, such as the 雨云魔杖雨云魔杖 and the 彩虹枪彩虹枪.

    Traps[ | ]

    Traps can be used to help damage enemies. Dart Traps can be found throughout the Underground and especially in the Dungeon, Geysers are found in the Underground, and Super Dart Traps, Flame Traps, Spear Traps, and Spiky Ball Traps are all found in the Lihzard Temple.

    Trap Cooldown Direction Range Damage Debuff
    飞镖机关飞镖机关 3.333 Up, Down, Left, or Right 2700 20 中毒中毒
    烈焰机关烈焰机关 3.333 Left or Right Desktop version Up, Down, Left, or Right 20 40 着火了!着火了!
    热喷泉热喷泉 4.0 Up or Down 20 80
    长矛机关长矛机关 1.5 Up, Down, Left, or Right 20 60
    尖球机关尖球机关 5.0 Up or Down Desktop version Up, Down, Left, or Right Unlimited 40
    超级飞镖机关超级飞镖机关 3.333 Left or Right Desktop version Up, Down, Left, or Right 2700 40 中毒中毒

    When multiple traps are used, they should be staggered so as not to all hit at the same time: an enemy hit by a trap will be briefly invulnerable due to its piercing properties, so if a monster is hit by two simultaneous darts, only one will damage it.

    Dart Traps and Super Dart Traps can protect the sides of your base from low-level threats, such as the Blood Moon zombies, especially if rigged to automatic activation mechanisms such as Timers, or Pressure Plates in an engine. Flame Traps, Geysers, Spear Traps, and Spiky Ball Traps are more powerful but are best used with methods to keep enemies clustered in a small area, such as a death pit, a hole deep enough that they cannot jump out.

    Traps can be placed in the background by using 致动器, actuating them once, then removing the actuators so that further activations will not place them back in the foreground. This is useful for staggering traps, as a background traps will not block the path of another Trap's dart, spear, spiky balls, or flames.

    Note that enemies killed by Traps will not be counted by the Tally Counter and will not contribute to banners.

    Tower of Death[ | ]

    If you are in Hardmode and have acquired the Nimbus Rod and Wings or anything that allows flight, there's a very efficient and safe way to farm or survive most of these events by making a tall tower, 20 blocks or higher, at least 4 blocks wide, with two entrances from the ground for enemies to come in. At the top of the tower, place some Platforms right under you, enough to cover the width of it.

    When an event occurs, place the two Nimbus Rod's Clouds on the platforms, and you will have a safe method to kill grounded enemies. Flying enemies will fly around the tower, so a weapon that can attack through blocks is recommended.

    In Solar Eclipses however, the Mothron miniboss can go through blocks, making the strategy ineffective.

    Invincibility Machine[ | ]

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    Image of the invincibility machine (not in use).

    This technique involves overriding all forms of damage with the temporary invincibility granted when damage is taken from a weak enemy such as a statue-spawned slime. This is useful when dealing with Moon events, such as the Pumpkin Moon and Frost Moon, though it also works against bosses (with the exception of the Moon Lord, for whom special measures were put in place to prevent this). The machine fails if the protective slime is killed.

    The machine consists of a small 5x6 box half-filled with Honey, such that the player will receive the Honey Regeneration buff, but without drowning. A Teleporter provides an easy way into the machine, and various switches are available to toggle traps and the actuated spawn surface. The Teleporter is optional; you could just actuate yourself in from the top.

    It's important to note that the machine will only work if the protective slime is the oldest enemy on-screen. This way, the slimes spawned from the statue will have damage priority over any other mobs that spawn thereafter. Lastly, reactivate the spawn surface before starting the event. If any NPC is killed while the machine is in use, then it will fail.

    The downside of an invincibility machine is that the player's options become limited. Generally, the best approach is to use a summoner build with the highest-damage summoning armor available and five damage-increasing accessories (Summoner Emblem, Papyrus Scarab, Necromantic Scroll, Hercules Beetle, and Avenger Emblem - all with the Menacing Modifier). Most summoning weapons can attack enemies outside while preserving the protective slime. The exceptions are the Tempest Staff, Stardust Dragon Staff, and Rainbow Crystal Staff. The Stardust Guardian will kill the slime if placed too close to the player, but it is okay to summon it at a distance.Note: If a sentry is summoned off screen it will despawn.

    One of the few weapons that can be used from within the box is the Blizzard Staff, as its projectiles cannot enter the invincibility machine. The Meteor Staff can be used the same way, but the box must be constructed with a thicker ceiling, because the explosions can potentially kill the slime. Spears cannot be used, as the slime will periodically jump near the player's head area and enter the damage hitbox of the spear. In the late game, one can also set up a Staff of the Frost Hydra and Lunar Portal Staff for free damage. The Lunar Flare may be used to eliminate faraway enemies to either side, but any explosion that occurs too close to the machine will kill the slime. It also might not be a bad idea (if the player does not have the Cobalt Shield or any of its upgrades) to grapple to the side of the machine, because being knocked around by a slime is a little bit annoying (though it won't compromise the integrity of the machine). You can also simply place two target dummies next to each other, then build a row of any kind of block (with the exception of falling blocks and platforms) 8 tiles above the ground you put the target dummies on. Next step: get yourself a slimy saddle, and hop on the target dummies. Be careful not to hit the dummies with any weapons. Besides, you won't need weapons anyways. The slime will damage anything that hovers close to your player.

    A better option may be is to place 2 target dummies close to each other then placing any blocks 4 blocks above the dummies. Now ride the slimy saddle and you will be invincible to most attacks. When a player bounces onto an enemy while riding a slimy saddle, both player and the enemy will gain an invincibility frame. Since the enemy gains a longer invincibility frame, by setting up two target dummies, you will always be invincible. Just do not use any piercing damage or else you will fall and you will take damage. Note that this tactic does not work for the Moon Lord.

    Another idea would be to set up a teleporter circuit that constantly teleports you between rooms with heart statues lined up on the walls in each. This could also be combined with the idea above. With this setup, the player could teleport around, avoiding attacks and healing while under the immunity of the slime's attacks. However, this would make the project harder to set up as the player would have to build multiple copies of each room.

