Terraria Wiki

本指南标题为“跳石”,因为它是为了在游戏进程中更快地进展得比预期的更远而在游戏进程中跳过某些绊脚石。 建议如果您打算遵循本指南,则您有使用泰拉瑞亚及其战斗机制的经验。 你会进入装备远远低于预期的区域,所以除非你知道你在做什么,否则你不会活很长时间。


  1. 在地表或洞穴里寻找罐子宝箱,但至少在你的背包中保存一枚手榴弹
    • 在晚上,继续往下挖,或者躲在一个应急的泥土避难所里,直到你有信心挑战那些僵尸。
  2. 至少准备20枚炸弹。你可能从劫掠中得到一些,而最可靠但最耗时的办法是让爆破专家搬进来,然后在他身上购买炸弹雷管
  3. 找到一个腐化之地/猩红之地的生物群落,然后用炸弹炸毁一个(或两个)暗影珠/猩红,以获得更好一点的战利品。这也会让陨石哥布林军队可以生成。
  4. 从下列选项中选择几条完成:
  5. 挖到地狱(或直接炸到地狱),并为与血肉墙的战斗做一个长跑道。
  6. 击败血肉墙,欢迎来到困难模式。
  7. 如果你去钓鱼了,那么就是时候打开你所有这些令人愉悦的宝匣以获得困难模式的新矿了,如果没有,现在钓鱼还为时未晚(尽管在新的敌人面前会更加困难),或者你只是用普通的方式来获取新矿(那至少需要掠夺鲨熔岩镐)。
  8. 你可能会发现在太空中刷怪是值得的,直到你获取鸟妖之翼
  9. 你真的不能跳过机械 Boss, 世纪之花石巨人 ,因为它们的死亡会直接触发游戏的下一个阶段。
  10. 你现在可以开始月亮事件了。
    • 一个快捷的小手段是,你可以现在开启月亮事件,打破所有天界柱,搜集好所有的月亮碎片去做一些毕业武器,然后要么死在月亮领主面前或在它苏醒前逃到主菜单。(注: 当你注销时,它可能并不总是会离开)。
  11. 击败月球领主,并得到月亮领主纪念章作为你的奖赏。恭喜你,Terraria是你的了!



==第一步== 假设你是从一个新世界里的新角色开始的,你在第一天有几个选择。你的起始铜镐现在可以用了,但是你的起始铜短剑的小体积,缓慢的速度和微小的伤害,让你即使是最基本的敌人也打不过。砍倒附近的一棵树并制作一把木剑是非常容易的,但这可能不是必要的。探索地表一段时间,最终会发现普通的棕色箱子,通常也被易碎的罐子包围着。这些将至少为你提供绳子和火把,这对于早期进一步探索地下是必不可少的。不过,在这些箱子里你真正想要的是四种强大的早期游戏武器之一:

  • 长矛长矛,一种强大的近战武器,一次攻击就能多次击中敌人。
  • 木制回旋镖木制回旋镖, 一种“远程”近战武器,你可以尽可能频繁地投掷它。
  • 吹管吹管, 一种弹药充足的早期远程武器。
  • 火花魔棒火花魔棒, 一种能发射火球的早期魔法武器。

这些都是木剑的适宜替代品, 但无论如何,没有理由不做一把木剑。 你也能找到手里剑飞刀, 虽然有限, 但如果需要的话,可以让你在远处造成伤害。 手榴弹 也很常见, 但是他们在战斗中的使用是有限的,相比之下,让爆破专家住进来, 这对获取更好的武器来说至关重要 - 甚至可能在太阳落山之前。在攻击性物品之外,还可以找到以下物品。

  • 铜锭, 锡锭, 铁锭锭或铅锭可用于升级武器。
  • 能抵消握着它时的摔落伤害。这可以用来深入地下而只用少量的装备,尽管回去时会很麻烦。
  • 攀爬爪, 可以减少你从掉下的一个深坑中爬上来的任务,而且在困难模式下仍然有用,无论是单个的还是组合的。
  • 药水, 特别是 弱效治疗药水回忆药水
  • ,如果你已经做了把木弓
  • 钱币。在太阳落山前至少有5金币或更多



总的来说,在第一天探索、寻找宝藏比砍树、挖洞更有效益。如果没有庇护所,夜幕降临是一个问题,考虑到所有方面,你的选择是有限的。如果你整晚都呆在庇护所里等待日出,一栋小木屋和一个上面有土盖住的,只有角色大小的地洞没有多大区别 - 僵尸恶魔眼将会在日出时离开。当然,你可以在第一天挖洞,在第二天再完成你的庇护所。

如果你更大胆一点,你可以选择更危险的一项,熬夜战斗。请记住,此时你的装备和健康状况可能会使这成为一项艰巨的任务,不管你的技术水平如何(尤其是在专家模式) - 你很容易被四面八方的敌怪包围,而且光线通常会很差。然而,如果你熬过了这一夜 (即使你不足以熬过,也要尽可能坚持),你会得到更多的财富。僵尸掉落的脚镣, 既可以增加防御力又能获得增益,同时旗帜可以卖2银。你真正需要的是僵尸臂, 一种强大的早期近战武器,可以与后来的钨宽剑媲美.

甚至装备也有比普通木质盔甲更好的选择。如果你还在第一天或第二天,你不太可能拥有制作金属盔甲所需的几十个锭,但由乌木暗影木 制作的“高层次”的木制盔甲可以代替. 当你不得不面对来自噬魂怪,猩红喀迈拉甚至脸怪 的攻击时, 砍倒几棵树并扔掉一些盔甲应该不会花很长时间. 如果你觉得自己很勇, 或者你有一个带着特别好的修饰语配饰, 你甚至可以选择直接跳过盔甲 — — 在游戏的这个阶段 , 几乎所有的敌人都是基于近战的 , 并且容易被击退 , 所以如果你没有被击中 , 那么你的抗伤害能力 ( 或者没有抗伤害能力 ) 并不重要. 如果你的世界拥有腐化之地 , 并且你感觉自己特别有耐心,你可以刷噬魂怪获得远古暗影盔甲, 这可以在防御和速度上提供很好的提升.


现在,第二天了, 是时候来把枪了!

现在, 你应该已经搜寻到了猩红之地腐化之地在哪里,该出发了!在这个时期没有可以被制作并且能够挖开黑檀石块或是猩红石块来够着暗影珠或是猩红之心的镐子。不幸的是, 你必须通过挖开它们来够着暗影珠或是猩红之心。- 砸开三个心脏或是珠子能让克苏鲁之脑出现, 这样才可以获得用于制作能挖开更坚硬的物块的材料。有时候, 每个玩家都必须这样跳石, 但这是做这件事最早的方法。

特别提醒:现在在这里没有Boss要打。 你要的是更有趣的东西。当你砸了三个鬼玩意召唤Boss的时候, 每一个珠子或心脏也会掉一打好东西! 最重要的是, 当其中的任何一个被摧毁, 有百分百的几率会掉落100颗火枪子弹和一把特色枪!

虽然武器之间有一些差距可能会影响到个体选择的偏好,但是这几把枪可以一直取代困难模式前的弓到肉山时(从纯伤害的角度来说),而且 火枪子弹作为子弹比箭能造成更多伤害且廉价。 当它们落后于之后会找到的武器时, 它们能让你战胜在砸碎一颗珠子或是心脏时会生成的哥布林军队。

当然, 着手这个项目可能需要一点运气。- 你之前找到的罐子或箱子里不得不有一些手榴弹在里头。而且希望你没用完它们。如果你还留着一个并且有一间空房间, 爆破专家就会搬进来, 准备卖给你更多非常重要的炸弹(以及更具破坏性但昂贵的雷管,如果你的速度更快的话)它们会破坏地形,包括裂缝中不可传过的污染石头。

如果你找到了伞或是攀爬爪/鞋钉的话,下降到裂缝中就变得简单多了(即使出来还是有点困难)。用绳子出来必然是最优解。一旦进去, 找到三个心脏或珠子 - 他们会随着生物群落的不同而发出颜色不同的光线。这样你就很难在地下错过它们 - 然后用炸弹炸进去。再来一个炸弹把珠子或心脏炸了,会出现一条不吉利的系统消息和有用的资源。除开你的新枪,你还会找到以下几种东西:


  • 能召唤暗影珠为你照明的照明宠物
  • 魔刺对于与多体节的怪物(包括在同一种生物群落会出现的世界吞噬者)作战是非常高效的。
  • 链球可以用来与多个敌人作战或是从远处攻击目标。
  • 星力手环可能对于其他宝藏来说没那么有用,但它仍然可以在游戏后期与其他饰品结合使用。


  • A different type of Crimson Heart that, when used, creates a light-emitting heart that bounces after you.
  • The Crimson Rod is very efficient for dealing with stronger enemies, as it will continue dealing damage after you flee the spot. It is also effective against the biome's boss, the Brain of Cthulhu, though it's a bit less of a hard counter.
  • The Rotted Fork is a lifesaver, as it is the strongest spear-type weapon you'll get your hands on before The Underworld.
  • The Panic Necklace, while limited in use, can allow for faster escape from dangerous monsters.

Feel free to break a second orb if you can, but avoid breaking a third one unless you want to battle the boss. While you're down here, you may choose to open up paths to other orbs or hearts as well, in preparation for eventually finishing these biomes. Otherwise, you can go home.如果可以的话就打破第二个珠子吧,但是别打破第三个珠子,除非你想打boss!

Arguably a more important side effect of this process, though, is that Meteors may now fall in your world, potentially providing you with significant amounts of Meteorite. If you can acquire this material, it's possible to essentially skip the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu, and proceed directly to Hardmode from there - though you won't exactly have an easy time there without some work, as the meteor set has no pickaxe. At this point you may have to slow it down a bit, as it's possible that your first meteor will fall somewhere totally inaccessible, like the bottom of the Ocean or high on a Floating Island, though more will fall in time. During the wait until you're ready to gather this material, though, you may want to work on your town, building suitable shelters for the NPCs you currently have and to house others you may want - as well as fortifying your settlement against the looming Goblin Invasion, one of the few threats to a player on the surface at this stage. However, at the moment you have a fairly powerful ranged weapon and at least a few other utility items. While you aren't quite ready for the Dungeon yet, you should be able to survive any biome on the surface, as well as freely venture underground to collect ores and treasure with little trouble.


After getting geared up a bit more (or maybe not, if you're feeling confident), you could head to the Jungle. A ranged weapon is heavily recommended here, as the Hornets can be deadly if taken on with a weak sword. Gather as many Stingers, Jungle Spores, and Vines as you can. The Jungle Hat is arguably the easiest piece of high tier armor to get, requiring no mobs, no pickaxe, and only eight spores required, and will give an easy five defense, as well as mana. Stingers can be crafted into Poison Darts, useful if you're still hanging on to that Blowpipe from earlier. Because of the Jungle's large caves, this is the best place to quickly find more gear, such as the Cloud in a Bottle, Magic Mirror, Shoe Spikes and if you're lucky, a Lava Charm. If your expedition is a success, you should make a Blade of Grass, Thorn Chakram, and Ivy Whip. You're almost set for Hardmode already! If you come across a Beehive, it can be a good idea to snag some Honey, or even battle Queen Bee herself. But if you can't seem to find success in the Jungle, or simply want to make your start somewhere else, there are plenty of other options.



需要打败世界吞噬者克苏鲁之脑以锻造一把强到能挖掘狱石的镐子,而狱石在困难模式早期非常重要。但是,从技术上来说,并不需要。 如果你拿到了个吊杆并且跑到了海边, 就有可能找到一把掠夺鲨. 这种水生生物和 熔岩镐一样强大, 所以你不用在得到狱石这方面有所困惑。就算你跳过了这些奇奇怪怪的boss,你也仍然会想要打破暗影珠或者猩红之心,因为这会让陨石开始掉落,也会让哥布林入侵发生。跳过世界吞噬者或者克苏鲁之脑这个主意挺糟的,因为打败他们会让酒馆老板NPC在你的世界生成,他会卖给你埃特尼亚水晶埃特尼亚水晶座,这些会用来召唤撒旦军队














After you have won, Hardmode will begin. Although Hardmode may seem far more nonlinear, this is an illusion, as you must fight the bosses in a specific order. First, you must take out the Mechanical bosses, and then beat Plantera.

Skipping the Hardmode Ore Progression

Some parts of the Hardmode progression can be skipped. Specifically the three Hardmode ores. Normally you must follow a progression of (Cobalt Ore/Palladium Ore) which gives you a pick/drill that lets you mine (Mythril Ore/Orichalcum Ore) which in turn gives you access to (Adamantite Ore/Titanium Ore). However, This progression, and indeed introducing the ores to your world may be skipped by fishing for crates. Crates opened in Hardmode have a chance to contain Hardmode metal ores and bars. If you fish up a large number of crates pre-hardmode, and then open them right after defeating the Wall of Flesh, you can often skip many tiers of the initial Hardmode progression.


通常,丛林神庙无法在打败世纪之花前进入, and not without consuming a Temple Key. If you're lucky, the world was generated in a way that provides easy access:而且不用神庙钥匙也进不去。如果你足够幸运,也会生成有提供很简单的方法进去的世界。

  • Sometimes, the locked Lihzahrd door that locks you out of the temple generates on top of a trap, where unlike Lihzahrd Bricks, you can blow up with Explosives, where the door disappears too.有时候,把你隔绝于神庙外的上锁丛林神庙门会生成在一个陷阱上面,这可不像神庙砖,陷阱能用爆炸物炸开,门也会同时消失。
  • It is possible, by coincidence and fortunate spawning, that a Jungle Shrine will spawn in the wall, allowing you to enter without using any of the aforementioned methods.极其偶然而幸运的情况下,丛林神龛会生成在墙上,允许你不用任何上述的方法进入。
  • If the temple spawned protruding into The Underworld, it is possible to get in by fighting the Wall of Flesh, having it pull you inside the Temple and then immediately killing the Wall.如果神庙生成接近地狱,通过和血肉墙战斗来进入神庙也是可能的。让它把你推进神庙,然后马上杀了血肉墙。
  • Sometimes a Living Mahogany Tree will spawn close enough to the top of the temple to allow access. The Living Mahogany Tree blocks replace the blocks of the temple, easily mined for a quick entrance (Needs confirmation)有时候生命红木树也会在足够贴近神庙顶端来允许进入。生命红木树块会替代神庙的方块,很容易挖出一个入口(需要验证)

Otherwise, several methods exist to circumvent the requirement:此外,规避特定的需求以进入神庙的方法也存在。

  • It is possible to get inside by placing three Platforms in front of the door and hammering them once. Simply walk towards them while pressing the "down" key.在门前放三个平台然后一次性锤击它们来进入神庙是可行的。简简单单的按着"下"键走过去就行了。
  • Template:Console icon Template:Mobile icon The Rod of Discord can be used to teleport to the other side of the door, given the targeted location is free of Lihzahrd Brick Walls. These can be removed with a hammer or Hamaxe while the character is still on the outside.
  • The Rod of Discord can also be used to teleport inside an Underground Cabin that intersects the Temple, given it has Planked Walls.
  • Template:Console icon Template:Mobile icon It's possible to place Teleporters on both sides of the door, link them together with Wire, and trigger them with a lever or somesuch. This allows characters to easily get around the door, especially if the trigger is a self-activating Pressure Plate. This will likewise only work if the teleporters' backgrounds are free of Lihzahrd Brick Walls.
  • Creating passages (the bigger the better) from the top of the Temple to the surface allows meteorites to crash into it. This will replace Lihzahrd Bricks with meteorite ore, letting the player dig into the Temple prior to getting the Picksaw. The chance of this happening is somewhat slim, though, but can be increased by placing chests all over the world. With that being done, the meteorite is bound to crash into the temple, since it would be the only place for it to crash into.
  • By hammering the block under the outside of the door, and placing rope on the outside of the door, it is possible to glitch through the door by swinging a sword toward the door.
  • Using the Unicorn Mount and a hammer. Hammer the blocks so they are facing inwards, then use the Unicorn Mount and fall down into the blocks. Get off the Mount and you're in.
  • Make the 2 blocks either side of the door slabs using a hammer, then use a Grappling Hook to attach to the bottom tile of the door. Then hammer the 2nd tile on the outside of the door 3 times. This will flip you to the other side of the door. This works both ways, but ensure that the tile is returned to its half state, else you can get stuck.
  • If you cover the door with rope, using the Grappling Hook is not needed. Sometimes, albeit very rarely, the temple may generate with holes in the walls that will allow easy access.
  • You can do an easy glitch: put rope next to the door, hang on to the rope, and as you're swinging a tool without stopping just go to the door. With this glitch you can go to temple very early. It's not yet confirmed that it works on the Desktop Version or the Console Version because it has been tried in the Mobile Version.
  • Teleporters don't normally work in front of Lihzahrd Brick Walls. You can break them with a Pwnhammer (not in desktop), and not only can you teleport in, you can also trap people in Lihzahrd Brick!
  • If the player creates a short hoik chain right up to the door and they enter the chain, they will end up half inside the door and can simply walk through.

World Farming

World Farming is a strategy employed by players wishing to get an early head start on the game. They do this by creating new worlds, and running across the surface of the world and occasionally cave running. This allows the gathering of materials from chests at a much higher rate than normal, and grants an early lead, especially if an ice biome spawns nearby. However, some consider it cheating.

How To World Farm

  1. 创建一个新世界
  2. 往一个方向跑/走直到你找到了一个箱子
  3. Loot and mine said chest and continue to look for more chests
  4. Once all chests have been explored, cave running is another option

Is a world a good farming world?

  • 需要穿过腐化/血腥之地才能到达冰雪生物群落
  • The world is hard to traverse (Lots of hills, etc.)
  • There are no caves to run through
  • 没什么箱子
  • 冰雪生物群落在出生点附近
  • 世界相对平坦
  • 洞穴容易到达
  • 许多箱子相对靠近出生点

Cave Running

Similar to World Farming, Cave running is a strategy employed by players to get ahead in certain aspects of the game. However, unlike world farming, this does not require new worlds to be created each time, although it might be useful if you've exhausted your world's resources. Most notably, this strategy gets you ahead in chest rescources and Life Crystals. However, there are some cons to this strategy.

How to cave run

This is a lot easier with minecart tracks, as these can be ridden until a cavern system appears. Cave running is when a player runs through cavern systems, mostly ignoring ore and doing no actual mining (some obviously, just not as much as usual). They do this to spend time looking for chest resources from underground cabins and life crystals.

Pros and Cons

  • Lots of life crystals (Up to 100 Health can be obtained in one run, sometimes even more)
  • Possibility of valuable early game weapons such as the Ice Boomerang
  • Explores most of the underground
  • Relies on world having an abundance of underground cabins
  • Worlds with few underground cabins may struggle to grant any weapons
  • Gaining hearts quick can often lead to the nessecary requirements for the Eye of Cthulhu to spawn
  • If no weapons have been gained this can lead to a very underprepared boss fight
  • Will often put the player behind in terms of weaponry and ore.