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每个玩家都应该有的东西是一个适合可召唤 Boss 的竞技场,并可修改以用于对抗特定的 boss。此部分会引导你做这些步骤。

  1. 选址。场址选在远离你的房屋的地方,这样Boss便不能伤害NPC。最好是在地上,这样更适合霜月南瓜月哥布林军团队
  2. 主结构。竞技场的形状取决于 boss 以及战斗方式。您可以参阅具体 Boss 的建议。典型的竞技场都有治疗站和战斗场,无论其形状是矩形,直线形或另外的形状。不妨将竞技场用物块围起来,这样可隔绝野怪。
  3. 治疗站。你可能需要为更加强大的 boss 配备治疗站。治疗站指可以加快生命回复的小区域。任何治疗站都应处在温馨的篝火之中(即其对应增益)。在角色的最高血量达到 400 之后,收集生命水晶并做一些红心灯笼挂在治疗站附近。造个宽 3 格高 1 格(内部尺寸)的浅池子,然后注进蜂蜜。踩进这个池子就会给你 30s 的再生 buff。心形雕像效果更好(尽管更加稀有);每次使用可以恢复多达 60 生命值。把雕像连接到一个5秒计时器,就会每 10 秒吐出一颗心。如果有两个心形雕像,确保至少相距 20 格,否则雕像使其只能堆积起 3 颗心。如果你有三个及以上红心雕像,就需要至少 50 格。战前请确保打开计时器。如果需要魔力,你也可以在星星雕像身上做一样的事。
  4. 护士站。你可以给你的护士 NPC 在竞技场里或附近建间房子。战斗中途,你可以与她交谈并接受即时治疗。您也可以考虑把她的房子造成只有三格宽(同时很高),以便更容易地找她。即使必须建造天花板,墙壁和带平台的地板,您也无需进入房屋即可治疗。如果房子的四壁用实体方块砌成,又用方块堵住门外,护士就能活得更久。也请记住看对话框时,战斗是暂停的。你可以在Template:Pc icon上利用这个有利条件。只需跑到护士站旁边按下Esc(在自动暂停启用的前提下会停止时间流动),然后从容不迫地把光标移动到护士的身上,再次点击Esc按钮并立刻右击护士。获得治疗后,把光标移到你想攻击的地方,比如说对着boss,再点一次Esc,然后马上投入战斗。这个步骤可以避免在你被打的时候死亡,并且可以直接右击护士回血。
  5. 攻击区。这是你准备过的地方;你料到 boss 会来这里,你就在这里攻击它。一种攻击区是监视 boss 到来的监视点,并从这攻击它——无论是近战,远程攻击还是魔法攻击。这个监视点可以同时是一个治疗站。您也可以考虑在一些这种点四周放方块以保护你免受boss伤害。另一种攻击区是你设置的伤害?(damage-dealing)Trap。详见这个部分
  6. 传送设备。一经机械三王被打败,同时朋克商人搬来了,你就可以购买和使用传送器来制造压倒性的效果。您可以用其连接两个及以上治疗站或者进出你的护士站。当Boss 靠近时,踩在传送机上,立刻传送穿过竞技场,然后攻击;而不是花时间在与 Boss 保持距离上。



Spectre Robe法师战斗场地和布置:

• 装备:幽灵盔甲(带Spectre Mask

• 武器:神话的暴雪法杖和恶魔的雨云魔杖(神话的蝙蝠权杖是可选的)

• 配饰:(所有改为幸运为最大DPS。)巫士徽章天界徽章毁灭者徽章星星面纱天界手铐。(星星面纱可以换成复仇者徽章

• buff:铁皮药水生命力药水魔力药水再生药水魔力再生药水荆棘药水怒气药水耐力药水水晶球夜猫子药水(可选)、光芒药水(可选)和狩猎药水(可选)








这是强烈推荐给那些即将首次挑战 boss 的玩家的攻略。战斗平台以小但可在里面躲闪及灵活地运动,大而不出现敌怪增加战斗难度为宜。推荐尺寸就约为屏幕的宽度。当然,你也可以加一个屋顶(如果你使用星怒,那千万别做屋顶,因为会挡住流星),用来隔绝空中的敌怪,同时确保一些可以回收的弹药不会飞得太远。做些木制平台可以让躲闪更为容易。由于战斗在晚上,所以放些火把可以增加亮度,最好在场地下方的地上也放几个。

有些人可能会放弃屋顶,把竞技场暴露在天空中。理由是有小几率坠星会刚好打中眼球,就会造成 999 伤害。这大大简化了战斗,即立刻杀死克苏鲁之眼。











确保地板良好且平坦,也将有足够的时间利用骷髅王的旋转攻击,因为骷髅王在使用该攻击时将其防御为0。如果您可以通过某种方法战胜哥布林军队,请带上尖球并把它放在地板上也是个好主意。 骷髅王开始进行滚转攻击时,它将在其上方滚转并承受其伤害的全部伤害。此外,它们对于杀死刚刚离开头部的手很有用。

一种简单,有效且耗时的方法是使用 矿车轨道构建 天桥。然后生成骷髅王,跳入您的矿车,然后加快速度。 骷髅王会追赶您,但不会抓住您。用远程攻击杀死它。如果在杀死它之前用完了轨道,请自杀,并在再次产生它之前添加更多轨道。


位置对这个竞技场也很重要。 The goblins will naturally target your initial spawn, that is, the center surface of the map. So no matter what you actually have there, that's the general area where you will encounter goblins when they arrive. You may as well prepare a proper greeting for them.

Make sure there are no NPCs in this area, as they will be attacked and possibly killed during the fight. Goblin Sorcerers' attacks go through walls and they can teleport indiscriminately, so the only defense is to make sure that your NPCs are not nearby.

Flatten out an area and make sure that there are no pits or jumps. Walls are not necessary, as during an invasion the newly spawned monsters are the target rather than a distraction. Make certain that any platforms or areas can be easily and quickly reached from anywhere else on the screen, since most players will be looking to quickly close in on casters with their melee weapons.

Another way you can kill the goblin army is to set up a flat arena in your spawn point, and set up staircase walls on either side. When the goblins start to come, fire a Water Bolt at both sides, and they will continue to bounce back and forth, killing goblins.




The Wall of Flesh, more than probably any other boss, benefits from having an arena prepared before engaging. Even experienced players wishing for a quick fight should ensure that the path behind them is clear before summoning it. A full arena can speed up farming this boss, which can provide the player with several weapons and accessories that are valuable even late in the game.

最简单的场地就是铺长约 750 格的一条桥,并在上方留出机动的空间。防止玩家“赴熔蹈岩”,保持玩家的稳定前进速度,那么战斗就会快速而顺利地进行。人们也会沿桥放置光源,或者在上次打死肉山的地方做记号。

Note that Underworld map generation tends to place Ruined Buildings towards the middle third of the map, leaving the eastern and western wings empty aside from Ash, Lava, Hellstone, and plenty of enemies. Lava topography also tends to level out at either end of the screen within a ten-block height variance.

The Wall of Flesh begins its attack from whichever side of the Underworld's map edge you're closest to. This allows you to control its direction of approach. The minimap on the right side of the screen can interfere with visibility on the Wall of Flesh at times. Fighting west-to-east may be easiest, though once you are familiar with the mechanics the direction won't make a large difference. Fight in the direction you're most comfortable running.

Given all the above, an optimal Arena can be made by creating a long Ash bridge starting from one side of the screen and running long and flat for a distance of 500 to 1000 blocks, depending on your damage output. Going from the edge of the map to the first Ruined Building you see will give you a sufficient platform, but on a Large map that may be a punitive amount of construction work for the player. Wooden Platforms are not useful in this fight as the Wall of Flesh will constantly orient to the Player's position

Clear any Ash up to three blocks above your bridge (standing overhead swing height) so you have room to jump occasional lasers. Level any Ash hills in your way and drain lava appropriately. It is very difficult to run out of Ash - Players should feel comfortable using explosives to create retention pools and drainage channels.

Killing the Wall of Flesh will generate a bricked-in treasure box above your bridge. The bricks can serve as kill-markers, but they may also interfere with jumping if your next fight runs close to that spot. The bricks can be mined for your collection to keep a clear Arena.

A way to quickly take out much of the wall's health is to travel to the very edge of the map in The Underworld and place some explosives where the wall will spawn. Wire them up to a lever (from a safe distance!). When you throw the Guide Voodoo Doll into the lava, wait for the wall to be directly on the explosives until you pull the lever. This will deal roughly 250 damage per explosives.


Your Eater of Worlds arena should also serve as an arena for fighting The Destroyer (However, moving the walls and ceiling in may protect you from of The Destroyer's lasers). The same types of visibility and movement are needed for both fights. The Destroyer does not need corruption present to be summoned.

Alternatively, you could start by building around 250 feet into the air. Create a large rectangular box at the top. Destroy the tower you built and replace it with Rope. The rectangular box should be around 5 blocks high, and 20 blocks wide. have 15 of the blocks on the left side made out of platforms, and the rest made out of solid blocks. Pour honey into the solid blocks. This area will protect you from The Destroyer's lasers and give you some regeneration. You can also place Campfires or Heart Lanterns to increase this effect. Once this is all done, the fight should be relatively easy. Using a Nimbus Rod and Golden Shower will prove to very useful, even though The Destroyer is immune to the Ichor Debuff. If you did not build the arena high enough, and the Destroyer can dig its way into it, increase the height because not being able to be hit by The Destroyer's direct attacks is essential to an easy win. All you will have to do during the fight is make sure there are always nimbus clouds, fight off Probes, and fire your Golden Shower. If you need, you can make suitable housing for the nurse to move in for her healing, and the dryad to move in for her dryad's blessing buff. These are both very useful.

Or, just stand in the middle of your Eye of Cthulhu arena, with a cobalt, obsidian, or Ankh shield equipped, and repeatedly hit in one direction with the mushroom spear, and if you start losing health, fly around until you have it back.




Building an arena for fighting Skeletron Prime can be a little tricky. Simply using Gravity Potions and fighting in the sky may be more effective. A long bridge may also work. (Use the arena for the twins if you have one) The explosive only detonates on solid blocks so using some wood platforms as well will keep you from exploding. A megashark or an uzi loaded with Ichor Bullets is another extremely effective way to defeat it.


An effective arena for the Golem would be to square out and level the room that the Lihzahrd Altar is in and use wings to fly around and dodge his attacks (mainly magic and ranged users). While exploring the Lihzahrd Dungeon, you can gather all the traps. Construct vertical pillars out of traps large enough for Golem but high enough for it to not get out on both sides of the altar. Finally line the ceiling with Spiky Ball Traps. After summoning Golem, leave the enclosure and repeatedly activate traps to help fighting Golem (Be careful for the spiky ball traps, as they still hurt you) Also, using weapons such as the Death Sickle or the Mushroom Spear are useful, as if you make a walled-in arena, you can hit it through the walls (The Staff of the Frost Hydra could also be used).

Alternatively, simply destroying all traps in the area and using a Golden Shower or Vampire Knives will work, essentially assuring that you will not pass beneath 400 health. Agility is a main ingredient in using this strategy. Also, if you have it, USE THE MAGNET SPHERE! Go to one side of the Golem and fire towards the other, and you will deal about 400 damage per sphere.



造一条长走廊,最好高约六格,宽 100-200 格,末端各有一传送机。召唤出世纪之花后,让它穿过走廊,然后跑到边缘前往传送机。When Plantera charges after you teleport to the other end of the hallway and shoot down the hallway, with some sort of non-arced, high velocity weapon, such as the Megashark with either cursed, or crystal bullets. Adamantite, Titanium, or Hallowed armor is suggested for this fight, with no preferred accessories. Repeat this process until Plantera has been defeated.





造一座跨海大桥,就可以刷海洋敌怪了。刷海怪是刷海盗地图, key molds, 荧光棒, 鲨鱼鳍, 黑墨水,以及显而易见刷钱的好办法。你也可以造两层平台,第一层在水下两格的地方;第二层在水面。同时你站在第二层的一个小水池里面,让所有敌怪往上朝你游,用意在使水怪从水中跳到平台上。The Spider Staff is good for automatically killing the mobs as they obediently stay out of the water and is very easy to obtain. Another way to kill them is by connecting one-second timers to Spear Traps or Spikey Ball Traps from the Lihzarhd Temple. It is recommended to put mushroom grass mud in a large square above the ocean. This will cause Fungo Fish to spawn.


在杀死骷髅王之前尝试进入地牢,将迎接游戏中最强大的boss:地牢守卫。 它造成高达1000的伤害,通常可以确保大多数玩家直接死亡。 吹嘘着令人印象深刻的9999防御与生命值,您用任何物品攻击它只会对地牢守卫造成1点伤害(暴击除外,造成2点伤害)。 基本上,战胜它的唯一方法是要有大量的耐心和一些体面的规避技能。 为了进行准备,请挖出地牢的顶部并在其侧面制作微型房屋(必须是有效的房屋,能够容纳NPC)。在里面放一张床,并用它来设置您的出生点,让您可以在遇到死亡时迅速返回以再次尝试战斗。 在地牢顶部(直接在地牢上方的竖井上方)挖一个相对较宽的垂直隧道,以在地牢守卫生成后轻松逃脱。

Recommended gear

Despite what most say, Turtle Armor does not deal 1,000 damage. Turtle armor does half the damage you take back to the enemy, and then the enemy reduces the damage with their defense. This makes the Turtle Armor effectively only deal 1 damage to Dungeon Guardian, so it is not recommended. Spectre armor will not be of much help, for healing will not be required due to instant death, and damage will not be increased. Shroomite armor is recommended, the reduced ammo usage of the ranged set helps tremendously. Bring a Chain gun (reforged to rapid) with a TON of Chlorophyte or Crystal bullets (above 10,000 is necessary). For accessories, have all of them reforged to Lucky (+4% crit-chance) as it will increase your DPS tremendously. Bring a Black belt or Master Ninja Gear, as the 10% dodge chance may potentially save a run. Other recommended accessories are Lightning/Frostspark boots and Fishron Wings for optimal mobility. Potions should include a large number of gravitation potions and a couple ammo reservation potions. Use an ammo box before you begin the battle for maximum ammo-efficiency.

Initiating the Battle

First, drink a Gravitation Potion or use a Gravity Globe (Moon Lord Expert Mode drop.) Drop down as far as you can into the dungeon without the guardian spawning. The second that you see guardian spawn, press up once using the Gravitation Potion or Gravity Globe, and escape through the hole you made in the top of the dungeon. Kite the Dungeon Guardian around, making sure to keep a reasonable distance from it. Aim in its direction and fire your Chain Gun at it. Make sure to keep track of where the guardian is at all times. If you are using a Gravitation Potion, make sure to re-use one when it runs out. Repeat this until the boss dies. Another thing you can do is set up a hallway with spiky ball droppers all along it, wire it up to a 1 second timer, and set up teleporters to either blocked-off end of the hallway. Jump into the hole, and then go back up to the hallway, and start teleporting back and forth. It might take a while, but eventually it'll die.


  • Leave campfires, heart lanterns and heart statues linked to adjacent pressure plates in order to have improved self healing during the fights.You can also make a honey lake with platforms on top so you can just hop down for a quick regen. You can put your pressure plates (Above & Below) in the lake.
  • Make a house close to the arena and move the nurse there and then set it as your spawn point, that way you can use the Magic Mirror to escape from a pinch and get some healing then return to battle.
  • A good way to regain full health is to build a house for your nurse and put it away from your arena, and connect your arena with the house with a teleporter and when you are on low health during the battle, you can teleport to your nurse's house to buy a heal and teleport back to resume the battle. (Be careful as building the house too far away may cause the boss to de-spawn)
  • You could even add your unwanted dart traps on the side linked to pressure plates for extra help in battle. A good idea is to link them to the same pressure plates that your heart statues are linked to. Players in later stages of the game can loot the Temple for super dart traps, fire or spear traps to use.
  • As an alternative to pressure plates, you can use a timer to create piles of hearts and mana stars that you can collect once in a while. If you have multiple statues, you could build several stations within your arena.