Terraria Wiki
This is a Guide page.
This is a Guide page.
This means the page will walk you through a specific task, strategy, or enemy/boss fight.
Status: Subject to revision (This Guide does not meet certain quality standards and may be heavily outdated.)
  • Issues:
     • Most likely outdated since .. Remember not to delete pre-1.4 content; use {{eicons}} and {{eversions}}!
     • Biased contents. Check comments for more info.
    Things to do:
     • Better strategy sections.
  • Desktop versionConsole versionMobile versionNintendo Switch versiontModLoader version
    Desktop/Console/Mobile/Switch/tModLoader-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, Mobile, Switch, and tModLoader versions of Terraria.


    开始前的准备[ | ]


    装备建议[ | ]

    护甲[ | ]

    武器建议[ | ]


    • 波涌之刃波涌之刃是能得到的最好的武器,尤其是对付单个敌人。 泰拉刃泰拉刃 对付一群敌人来说有些吃力。
    • 克苏鲁之眼克苏鲁之眼 搭配 悠悠球袋 十分有效。
    • 猪鲨链球猪鲨链球 有超高伤害,以及发射气泡弹。 腐化者之戟腐化者之戟 也具有类似的作用。
    • 吸血鬼刀吸血鬼刀 可以用来快速回血。
    • 北极北极不仅对月亮事件很有效,毕竟它是“打事件专业户”。尽管DPS没那么高,它非常适合拆天界柱,因为它的射弹造成的二次攻击可以清掉干扰你拆柱子的小怪。
    • 如果你击败了日曜柱, 日耀喷发剑日耀喷发剑破晓之光破晓之光 都会是强力的武器,不过日耀喷发剑对于对抗大量且高密度的敌人有着显著优势。


    • 搭配水晶子弹晶子外星霰弹枪外星霰弹枪是这个时期最好的枪。当然,搭配{item|Chlorophyte Bullet|s}}的链式机枪链式机枪也可以作为替代品。
    • 海啸海啸圣箭圣箭搭配时,不仅有着出色的DPS,还可以非常有效地清理大量怪物。
    • 电圈发射器电圈发射器 可以轻松地解决成群的敌人。 雪人炮雪人炮 牺牲发射导弹的特性来换取更高的伤害。
    • 如果你击败了星旋柱, 星旋机枪星旋机枪幻影弓幻影弓 都会是强力的武器。



    配饰[ | ]

    坐骑[ | ]

    • 扰脑器有着很高的机动性,并且能进行多段跳,而且能自动向敌人发射激光。
    • 宇宙车钥匙宇宙车钥匙或者虾松露虾松露可以用于持久性的飞行,但对于快速风筝敌人不太有用。

    攻打四柱[ | ]

    攻打顺序[ | ]


    • 最好的选择是最先攻打你的职业所对应的天界柱。这样这个柱子掉落的碎片可以用于合成你所选择职业的武器。比如一名法师玩家优先攻打星云柱,他就能用星云碎片合成星云奥秘或者星云烈焰
      • 如果你把家或者NPC聚集地建在了离出生点有一段距离的地方,有可能一个天界柱会直接刷在房屋附近,惹出巨大的麻烦(比如造成NPC大量死亡)。你当然要优先清理那根柱子,否则你的战斗补给将相当困难。
    • 可以考虑优先攻打星尘柱。即使你不是召唤师,星尘之龙法杖也会有效地帮助你攻打剩余的天界柱。
    • 对于没有提前做功课的玩家,日耀柱是相当困难的。火月怪可以弹走玩家的子弹、箭和飞镖,而千足蜈蚣会快速杀死飞行玩家,但不会理睬停在地上的人。日耀柱在什么时候攻打都可以,除非它刷在了你家顶上,或者你是战士。
    • 星旋柱和星云柱什么时候攻打都可以,除非它刷在了你家顶上,或者需要星云碎片星旋碎片合成的武器。

    星塵柱[ | ]

    Stardust Pillar
    Map Icon Stardust Pillar
    Classic mode icon Classic
    Expert mode icon Expert
    Master mode icon Master
    AI Type天界柱 AI
    Max Life20000
    KB Resist100%
    Immune toAll debuffs except Whip debuffs

    星塵柱是召喚師主題的天界柱。 他為螢幕施加一個藍色濾鏡。

    敵人[ | ]

    流體入侵怪因為能夠以穩定的速度發射高傷害的射彈而被認為是最危險的敵怪,攻擊他們的同時要記的保持移動 。當流體入侵怪被擊殺時,會立刻發射1~3枚射彈,這將是躲閃的關鍵。





    策略[ | ]

    • 由於除了銀河織妖之外大多數敵人的攻擊都無法穿透 2 格厚的方塊,因此玩家可以通過在離地面數格的地方建造一個 2 格厚的方塊,並通過僕從悠悠球來輕鬆殺死敵怪。 另外通過使用翅膀飛行,玩家還可以輕鬆地打敗銀河織妖而不受到嚴重傷害。
    • 對於擊敗星塵柱的法師來說,星雲秘法是推薦製作的武器,因為它的高範圍傷害可以同時攻擊許多敵人。
    • 與星塵柱保持距離,因為它會以特殊動畫直接在屏幕上生成敵人。
    • 任何防禦性屏障都應至少有 2 格厚,因為來自觀星怪的光束和來自流體入侵怪的射彈都能夠穿透 1 格厚的牆壁。
    • 打破星塵柱護盾的一個極其快速和簡單的方法是搭建一條長長的木平台。 然後將幾個星細胞帶到木平台上,然後到木平台下面,攻擊這些星細胞,直到它們死亡並分裂成小星細胞。 然後等待星細胞再生,再次殺死它們,然後重複這個過程。 你可以從離開星塵柱,擊殺數仍然會計算在內; 這樣,您只需要處理相對緩慢且可預測的星細胞。

    Vortex Pillar[ | ]

    Vortex Pillar
    Map Icon Vortex Pillar
    Classic mode icon Classic
    Expert mode icon Expert
    Master mode icon Master
    AI Type天界柱 AI
    Max Life20000
    KB Resist100%
    Immune toAll debuffs except Whip debuffs

    The Vortex Pillar is the ranged-themed pillar. It applies a blue-green shader to the screen.

    Enemies[ | ]

    The Vortexian is incapable of firing projectiles, but will relentlessly pursue grounded players. They pose little threat for flying players and can be easily picked off by any class. They will also summon a portal that shoots a very low damaging lightning on the players location upon death.

    The Alien Queen shoots bullet-like projectiles at you that give the Distorted debuff. She also spawns Alien Larva that grow into the Alien Hornet. When fighting the Alien Queen, move vertically to avoid the projectiles and use a area-of-effect weapon to destroy the Alien Larva before they can transform. She is the highest-threat enemy and should be killed as quickly as possible. If you leave Alien Larvae and Alien Hornets for too long, expect to get outnumbered by Alien Queens later.

    The Alien Hornet can spawn from an Alien Larva or a vortex from the pillar. They are fast-moving creatures that should be taken out quickly. They do not pose a major threat unless attacking in numbers, so use a piercing or area-of-effect weapon to kill the swarms.

    The Storm Diver is a floating humanoid creature that wields a shotgun that looks and sounds like the Tactical Shotgun. They can deal moderate damage but easily miss their attacks. Pick them off early to avoid problems.

    Strategies[ | ]

    • One of the simplest ways to defeat the Vortex pillar is to dig a 2*4 tunnel directly under the Pillar, and attacking upwards. Almost no enemies can get into the hole, which should result in an easy battle.
    • Being hit with an attack from the enemies may give you the Distorted debuff, which will suspend a player in midair, unable to control their vertical movement. This debuff may prove deadly, so projectiles from the Alien Queen should be avoided at all costs.
    • The pillar spawns portals in the sky that will summon Alien Hornets. Keep your distance from it.

    Nebula Pillar[ | ]

    Nebula Pillar
    Map Icon Nebula Pillar
    Classic mode icon Classic
    Expert mode icon Expert
    Master mode icon Master
    AI Type天界柱 AI
    Max Life20000
    KB Resist100%
    Immune toAll debuffs except Whip debuffs

    The Nebula Pillar is the mage-themed pillar. It applies a magenta-purple shader to the screen.

    Enemies[ | ]

    The Nebula Floater is the most dangerous of the group. It floats around, shooting lasers that do high damage. Upon taking damage, it will often teleport to a different part of the screen, making it very difficult to kill. The Nebula Floater will shoot a laser immediately after teleporting and periodically afterwards. When fighting it, be prepared to dodge and change direction.

    The Brain Suckler is a melee-based creature. If it lands a hit, it will attach to the player's head and inflict the Obstructed debuff until it's killed. A Brain Suckler attached to the player deals damage very rapidly and must be killed immediately.

    The Predictor is a ground creature that throws a spread of star-shaped projectiles as its main attack. When fighting, do not stray too close to the ground. At a higher altitude, it is easy to dodge the Predictor's attacks. They are easy to kill otherwise.

    The Evolution Beast preys on grounded players with its fast charging attack. The Evolution Beast will also shoot a slow Nebula Sphere that homes in on the player and cannot be destroyed by an attack. Only engage the enemy in the air--never in grounded melee combat.

    Strategies[ | ]

    • The main sources of damage, Evolution Beasts and Nebula Floaters, can be nullified by building a small box in the sky. As Nebula Floaters cannot fire lasers through blocks, building such structure forces them to ram the player, making them highly susceptible to wall penetrating attacks and minion damage. If the box is sufficiently high, Evolution Beasts will not spawn, thus avoiding their wall penetrating Nebula Spheres.
    • The Evolution Beast is deadly to a grounded character. Always stay in the air.
    • Most enemies are extremely mobile and some avoid damage by teleporting. Stay on the move or you will die very quickly.
    • If you are blinded by an attack, kill the nearest Brain Suckler to regain your sight. It should be on your head. Don't let the blindness stop you from moving, as that will quickly lead to your demise.
    • Unlike the other pillars, the Nebula Pillar does not perform any special attacks or actions in combat. Use this to your advantage and stay near the pillar.

    Solar Pillar[ | ]

    Solar Pillar
    Map Icon Solar Pillar
    Classic mode icon Classic
    Expert mode icon Expert
    Master mode icon Master
    AI Type天界柱 AI
    120 日耀碎片
    Max Life20000
    KB Resist100%
    Immune toAll debuffs except Whip debuffs

    The Solar Pillar is the melee-based pillar. It applies a yellowish-orange shader to the screen.

    Enemies[ | ]

    The Selenian is a humanoid sword-wielding enemy that can curl up and charge at you. However, while curled up, most projectiles that you fire at it will be reflected towards you, including all bullets and arrows. This enemy is the bane of the ranged class: if you play with ranged weapons, only attack the Selenian if it is not curled up.

    The Drakomire is a ground-based enemy that can spawn with a Drakanian riding it. The Drakomire beast can charge the player if nothing is riding it. If the Drakanian is riding it, the pair can do incredible damage. Use a crowd-control weapon to take out the pair, and utilize knockback to keep them out of melee distance.

    The Corite is a fast-moving enemy that resembles a Meteor Head. It attacks by launching itself into the sky and coming back down like a meteor, shrouded in flame. They are very fast, and almost immune to knockback. They also deal very high damage on contact, so they should be prioritized first.

    The Sroller is the more down-to-earth version of the Corite, utilizing a weaker, more frequent rolling attack that deals more damage. These enemies pose the most threat when in a swarm. Use dodging and knockback to keep them at bay while using a crowd-control weapon.

    The Crawltipede is the deadly counter to a flying player. It only attacks players that are flying, and otherwise hovers in the air, ignoring them. Its only attackable spot is the bulging orb on its tail, but all damage dealt against it is multiplied by 10. Do not stay in the air for too long, as Crawltipedes can very easily kill a player.

    Strategies[ | ]

    • An Ice Rod can be a great help in fighting this pillar. Because Crawltipedes target you when you are distant from a solid block, you can fly up above the level at which the pillar spawns fireballs, place an ice block below you, and then build a 10-20 block wide platform off either side of the ice block. Standing on the platform and using weapons that work through blocks, or leaving small gaps to attack through, will allow you to avoid most enemies, except for Corites, who can fly through blocks with their rush attack, and Crawltipedes, who will fly around in the pattern of their non-targeting idle AI.
    • Hitting the tail of a Crawltipede while using the Spectre Hood or Vampire Knives will result in a very large amount of healing.
    • The Scutlix Mount is recommended for this fight, as it disables your flying while still giving you incredible mobility and an extra ranged attack.
    • Although flying is out of the question, staying on the move is still a must, due to the number of charge attacks that enemies will employ against you.
    • While Mages are recommended to use the Razorblade Typhoon during the Lunar Events if beating the Pillars for the first time, or either the Nebula Blaze or Nebula Arcanum after beating the Nebula Tower, Solar Pillars might require you to stick with the Razorblade Typhoon even after obtaining the latter two, considering those other weapons will be reflected by Selenians. (The Arcanum is slightly less deadly to its' user due to the slower projectile velocity, while the Nebula Blaze often becomes deadly to it's user). While the Bubble Gun may seem like a good idea due to it's insanely high DPS but short range, the lack of piercing may cause you to be easily overwhelmed by the high spawn rate of the pillar enemies. On one-on-one interactions however, the Bubble Gun does work on some Solar Enemies, specifically the Corites that are highly knockback resistant and agile, while also killing Srollers and Selenians that also dash at you quite often and quickly. But the spawnrate of the Pillars may prove this to be a rare occurence.
    • Summoners should use the Stardust Dragon Staff, as it is a great help in taking out the enemies. With the Stardust Dragon Staff at hand, all you need to do is trap yourself in a little box and watch the dragon kill all of the enemies for you. Corites will still be able to get into your box however.

