Terraria Wiki

别和 宝藏地图 搞混了, 那是纯装饰的家具.
海盗地图 是在 困难模式 中用来召唤 海盗入侵 的道具。在困难模式下,靠近 海洋敌怪 有 1% (1/100) 的机率会掉落。



Farming pirate arapaima

Arapaimas 太大只了所以无法进入两格的空间,这让刷他们获得地图能更安全

  • With 海神贝壳 and permanent 仆从s, along with any minion boost gear available (such as 蜘蛛盔甲), stand on the Ocean floor while the minions kill incoming enemies. Use 战斗药水 and place a nearby 水蜡烛 to speed up the process.
    • In 猩红 worlds, place a contained area of Crimson to one side of the 海洋 so Blood Jellies spawn, which will be more frequent than ordinary Ocean spawns. Take advantage of 血月s to further increase spawn rates.
    • If the 丛林 is close enough to the Ocean that you can be inside the Jungle Biome, it will spawn 巨骨舌鱼s frequently in the Ocean. Alternatively, you can create artificial Jungle if you have 丛林草种子.
    • In 腐化 worlds, it is helpful to corrupt your Ocean using 邪水 or a 环境改造枪 and grind the 世界吞噬怪 for maps. Since there are about 50 parts per boss, around every 2 will probably drop at least one map.
    • If you got at least one pirate map, you can fight the pirate invasion inside the ocean. Due to the number of mobs spawned by the event, it is possible that you get several maps every invasion. (Note: This requires a town NPC housing or a spawn point set near the ocean)
    • If there is a floating island above an ocean, Harpies and Wyverns can drop pirate maps.
    • 雕像 spawned NPCs will not drop pirate maps.


  • On the Mobile version, the player is holding a Pirate Map on the App icon.


  • 1.2: Introduced.

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