Terraria Wiki

宝箱 是一种可以存放 40 种物品的 收纳物品 (10 x 4 格)。 仅当没有储存物品的时候,宝箱可以使用钻头挖掘。被放置的宝箱下方的物块无法被拆毁。


共有 20 种天然形成的宝箱(其中 15 款无法通过制作获取)和 27 种可制作的宝箱,加上垃圾桶,则一共有 42 种类型的宝箱和 44 种不同的收纳物品( 梳妆台和可随身携带的收纳物品除外)。

每个世界的收纳物品放置上限为 1000 个 (可携带的收纳物品(例如保险箱猪猪存钱罐Template:Pc icon 护卫熔炉)和陈列物品(例如物品框武器架人体模型))除外)。达到上限之后如再试图放置收纳物品,则视为掉落而非放置。

Desktop version DesktopConsole version ConsoleVerify中,可以为放置的宝箱命名 (20个字符以内)。鼠标悬停在宝箱上可以查看名称;如果宝箱没有被命名,则无文字显示。要命名一个宝箱,首先通过 Open / Activate将其打开。宝箱的默认名字为它的类型名称 (例如,生命木箱的默认名称为“生命木箱”)。选择“重命名”,会出现键盘界面,你可以点击字母或键盘输入新名字。按↵ Enter键或点击"保存"即完成。

Template:Pc icon 宝箱可以被制作成机关宝箱,此时它不可用于收纳,而是在被打开时通过电线发送信号以激活机械


Placed Chests

Placed chests, with other storage items. Click the image to view a summary of each row.

类型 位置 备注 出售
Template:Il2c 地表 基础的可制作宝箱。制作方法详见下面的可制造宝箱章节

对于它的里面的物品,参见Surface Loot section

Template:Il2c 地下 (未上锁的)
地牢 (上锁的)
需要消耗一个金钥匙来解锁一个金箱。 10
Template:Il2c 雪原生物群落 10
Template:Il2c 丛林神龛 and Mahogany Living Tree 10
Template:Il2c 丛林神庙 1
Template:Il2c 生命树 10
Template:Il2c 蘑菇生物群落 制作方法详见下面的可制造宝箱章节 1
Template:Il2c 地下丛林 制作方法详见下面的可制造宝箱章节 1
Template:Il2c 漂浮岛 10
Template:Il2c 海洋
Template:Il2c 蜘蛛窝 1
Template:Il2c 花岗岩洞 Template:Pc icon 制作方法详见下面的可制造宝箱章节 1
Template:Il2c 大理石洞 Template:Pc icon 制作方法详见下面的可制造宝箱章节 1
Template:Il2c 地狱 需要拥有暗影钥匙. 10
Template:Il2c 海盗入侵 1
Template:Il2c 地牢 需要消耗一个腐化钥匙来解锁一个腐化箱。
Template:Il2c 地牢 需要消耗一个猩红钥匙来解锁一个猩红箱。
Template:Il2c 地牢 需要消耗一个神圣钥匙来解锁一个神圣箱。
Template:Il2c 地牢 需要消耗一个冰冻钥匙来解锁一个冰冻箱。
Template:Mobile icon心之神龛可以发现一个已经解锁的冰冻箱.
Template:Il2c 地牢 需要消耗一个丛林钥匙来解锁一个丛林箱。


  • 在一个 困难模式 的世界中打开一个地牢之外的箱子时, 最好使用远程武器射击,或者召唤一个仆从,因为箱子可能是个 宝箱怪。如果这样做,它会受到伤害并开始追逐玩家。


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物品 数量
长矛长矛 1
木制回旋镖木制回旋镖 1
吹管吹管 1
荧光棒荧光棒 40-74
投刀投刀 70-149
金属带扣金属带扣 1
攀爬爪攀爬爪 1
伞 1
雷达雷达 1
植物纤维绳索宝典植物纤维绳索宝典 1
火花魔棒火花魔棒 1
% 概率 物品 数量
33% 1 in 3 手榴弹手榴弹 3-5
50% 1 in 2 铜锭铜锭 3-10
67% 2 in 3 木箭木箭 25-50
50% 1 in 2 弱效治疗药水弱效治疗药水 3-5
50% 1 in 2 铁皮药水铁皮药水 1-3
50% 1 in 2 火把火把 10-20
50% 1 in 2 绳 50-100
17% 1 in 6 草药袋草药袋 1-3
67% 2 in 3 回忆药水回忆药水 2-4
50% 1 in 2 银币银币 10-29



大多数宝箱都可以制成机关宝箱,失去存储能力而成为机械Template:Crafts top Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts row Template:Crafts bottom


  • 1.3.5:
    • 现可获得水晶宝箱和金宝箱
    • Virtual Keypad for renaming no longer appears unless a gamepad is used.
  • 1.3.2: You can now use the Sort feature with chests.
  • 1.3.1:
    • Can now be crafted into 机关宝箱s.
    • Golden and Crystal Chests been added but unobtainable.
  • Fixed 'quick stack to all chests' potentially eating loot in old/modded worlds.
  • You can now move items between chests and your 物品栏 by using left shift, which will not trash the items.
    • Added Meteorite, Granite, Marble and Martian Chests.
    • Gold chests no longer generate outside of 地下小屋s, except in the Dungeon.
    • Chests now have opening and closing animations.
    • NPCs now avoid sitting near chests.
    • You can now 制作 items from a chest while it is open without having to place its contents in the player inventory beforehand.
    • Added an inventory button to Quick Stack to All Nearby Chests, making inventory management much quicker.
    • Quick stacking items from your inventory creates new stacks in your chests if applicable.
    • Added ability to favorite items by pressing Alt+Left Click. Favorited items cannot be quick-trashed, quick-stacked, or deposited.
    • 梳妆台s can now act as chests.
    • Pink, Blue, and Green Dungeon Chests have recipes.
    • Right-clicking to open a chest, 猪猪存钱罐 or 保险箱 will no longer pick up an item from the stack where the cursor is.
    • Added Glass Chest.
  • 1.2.4:
    • Added Palm Wood, Mushroom, Boreal Wood, Slime, Dungeon (Blue, Green, Pink), Bone, Cactus, Flesh, Obsidian, Pumpkin, and Spooky Chests.
    • Fixed the crash when a chest is placed above but not directly on a 巨石.
    • Fixed a bug where Chests could not be placed on 2x1 tiles. There had to be a solid tile to the right of the chest to place it.
    • Fixed bug where opening a chest with a 标牌 open would lock the inventory.
    • Fixed the problem with 祭坛s/罐子s/chests spawning in bugged conditions.
    • Chests should no longer lose their names in 多人模式.
  • 1.2.3:
    • Added Dynasty, Honey, and Steampunk Chests.
    • Shadewood, Ebonwood, Rich Mahogany and Pearlwood Chest sprites updated.
    • Placed chests can now be renamed (Maximum of 20 characters). Hovering the mouse cursor over a renamed chest will show its name. The default chest is shown for ANY chest (even ones that were renamed) called "Chest".
    • Boulders with Chests on them no longer crash the game if the boulder is hit.
    • Fixed bug where chests could be placed in bad positions (e.g. 冰雪块s or sloped blocks in world generation).
    • Fixed a crash when you destroy a 传送机 with a chest on top.
  • Opening a chest can no longer grab items from it automatically on a small screen.
  • People playing on small screens should no longer auto equip an item from a chest or pick it up.
  • 1.1.1: Fixed an issue that caused stacked 钱币 to go missing from chests during multiplayer.
  • No longer contain stacks of empty item.
  • 1.0.5:
    • Chests now spawn on the 地表, containing items to help new players survive.
    • Chests now contain loot based on the level they spawn in.
    • 金箱s added, replacing most of the pre-generated chests.
  • 1.0.1: directly under a chest no longer falls due to gravity.

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