Terraria Wiki

成就 可以通过在泰拉瑞亚世界里完成各式各样的任务来获得。

Steam与GOG Template:Pc icon


  • Name In-game description Notes
    File:Achievement Timber.png Timber 倒第一棵
    • 也可以通过其他来源捡起木材获得。
    Achievement No Hobo 有家可归 建造一栋足够大的房屋,让第一个城镇的NPC(如向导)住进来。
    File:Achievement Stop Hammer Time.png 停!锤子时间到! 通过制作或其他方式获得第一把
    File:Achievement Ooo Shiny.png 哦!亮闪闪! 开采第一块矿石
    Achievement Heart Breaker 伤心者 Discover and smash your first heart crystal underground.
    Achievement Heavy Metal 重金属 Obtain an made from or .
    File:Achievement I Am Loot.png I Am Loot Discover a 金色宝箱 underground and take a peek at its contents.
    Achievement Star Power 星之力 Craft a 魔力水晶 out of 坠落之星s, and consume it.
    File:Achievement Hold on Tight.png 抓紧! Equip your first 抓钩.
    Achievement Eye on You 盯着你 Defeat the 克苏鲁之眼, an ocular menace who only appears at 夜晚.
    File:Achievement Smashing Poppet.png 碎得漂亮,小乖乖! Using 炸药 or your trusty , smash a 暗影珠 or 猩红之心 in the evil parts of your world.
    Achievement Worm Fodder 虫粮 Defeat the 世界吞噬怪, a massive worm whom dwells in the 腐化.
    Achievement Mastermind 最强大脑 Defeat the 克苏鲁之脑, an enormous demon brain which haunts the creeping 猩红.
    File:Achievement Wheres My Honey.png 我的甜甜在哪儿? Discover a large bee's hive deep in the jungle.
    Achievement Sting Operation 蜇刺行动 Defeat the 蜂王, the matriarch of the 丛林 hives.
    Achievement Boned 粉身碎骨 Defeat 骷髅王, the cursed guardian of the 地牢.
    Achievement Dungeon Heist 地牢大劫案 Steal a 钥匙 from dungeon's undead citizens, and unlock one of their precious golden chests.
    • Achievement name is a reference to the movie Tower Heist.
    • Note that Dungeon enemies become more powerful once 世纪之花 is defeated.
    File:Achievement Its Hetting Hot in Here.png 越来越热 Spelunk deep enough to reach the molten 地狱.
    Achievement Miner for Fire 烈焰矿工 Craft a 熔岩镐 using the hottest of materials.
    Achievement Still Hungry 野心依旧 Defeat the 血肉墙, the master and core of the world who arises after a great, burning sacrifice.
    • Note that defeating the Wall of Flesh will initiate 困难模式 in a pre-Hardmode world.
    File:Achievement Its Hard.png 举步维艰! Unleash the ancient spirits of light and darkness across your world, enabling much stronger foes and showering the world with dazzling treasures (and rainbows!).
    • You must defeat the 血肉墙 in a pre-Hardmode world.
    File:Achievement Begone Evil.png 滚开,恶魔! Smash a demon or crimson 祭坛 with a powerful, holy hammer.
    • Any with a hammer power of 80 will do, as long as the Altar is destroyed (can only be done in 困难模式).
    File:Achievement Extra Shiny.png 光彩夺目! Mine a powerful ore that has been newly blessed upon your world.
    Achievement Head in the Clouds 冲上云霄 装备 a pair of 翅膀.
    Achievement Like a Boss 霸气侧漏 Obtain a Boss 召唤物品.
    Achievement Buckets of Bolts 万矢齐发 Defeat the three nocturnal mechanical menaces: 双子魔眼, 毁灭者, and 机械骷髅王.
    Achievement Drax Attax 斧钻战队 Craft a 斧钻 or 镐斧 using hallowed bars, and the souls of the three 机械 Bosses.
    Achievement Photosynthesis 光合作用 Mine 叶绿, an organic ore found deep among the thickest of flora.
    • Placing Chlorophyte Ore down and then mining it also grants the achievement.
    Achievement Get a Life 重获新生 Consume a 生命果, which grows in the thick of subterranean jungle .
    • Using a character that already has 500 life will not work.
    • Is a pun on 生命果 and the common taunt "Get a life".
    Achievement The Great Southern Plantkill 大南方植物终结者 Defeat 世纪之花, the overgrown monstrosity of the jungle's depths.
    Achievement Temple Raider 神庙丽影 Breach the impenetrable walls of the 丛林神庙.
    Achievement Lihzahrdian Idol 丛林蜥蜴之神 Defeat 石巨人, the stone-faced ritualistic idol of the lihzahrd tribe.
    Achievement Robbing the Grave 盗墓 Obtain a rare treasure from a difficult monster in the 地牢.
    Achievement Big Booty 丰厚战利品 Unlock one of the dungeon's large, mysterious chests with a special key.
    Achievement Fish Out of Water 离水之鱼 Defeat 猪龙鱼公爵, mutant terror of the sea.
    Achievement Obsessive Devotion 虔诚信仰 Defeat the 远古邪教徒, fanatical leader of the dungeon coven.
    Achievement Star Destroyer 歼星者 Defeat the four 天界塔s of the moon.
    • Note that defeating all four Towers will summon the 月亮领主.
    Achievement Champion of Terraria 泰拉瑞亚斗士 Defeat the 月亮领主.
    Achievement Bloodbath 大屠杀 Survive a 血月, a nocturnal event where the rivers run red and monsters swarm aplenty.
    Achievement Slippery Shinobi 黏滑忍者 Defeat 史莱姆王, the lord of all things slimy.
    Achievement Goblin Punter 哥布林草民 Triumph over a 哥布林入侵, a ragtag regiment of crude, barbaric, pointy-eared warriors and their shadowflame sorcerers.
    Achievement Walk the Plank 稳走跳板 Triumph over a 海盗入侵, a group of pillagers from the sea out for your booty... and your life!
    Achievement Kill the Sun 杀死太阳 Survive a 日食, a day darker than night filled with creatures of horror.
    Achievement Do You Want to Slay a Snowman 想要杀死雪人吗? Triumph over the 雪人军团, a festive family of maniacal snowman mobsters.
    • Reference to the movie 冰冻.
    Achievement Tin-Foil Hatter 锡箔帽商 Triumph over a Martian Invasion, when beings from out of this world come to scramble your brains and probe you in uncomfortable places.
    • Named for tinfoil hats, often associated with alien conspiracy theorists.
    Achievement Baleful Harvest 邪恶丰收 Reach the 15th wave of a 南瓜月, where evil lurks among the autumn harvest.
    Achievement Ice Scream 寒冰尖啸 Reach the 15th wave of a 霜月, where the festive season quickly degrades into madness.
    Achievement Sticky Situation 黏黏糊糊 Survive the 史莱姆雨, where gelatinous organisms fall from the sky in droves.
    Achievement Real Estate Agent 房产中介 Have all possible town NPCs living in your world.
    File:Achievement Not the Bees.png 不要蜜蜂! Fire a 蜜蜂枪 while wearing a full set of 蜜蜂盔甲.
    Achievement Jeepers Creepers 毛骨悚然 Stumble into a spider cavern in the underground.
    Achievement Funkytown 时髦小镇 Build or encounter a glowing mushroom field above the surface.
    • Requires 200 mushroom biome blocks.
    Achievement Into Orbit 进入轨道 You can only go down from here!
    Achievement Rock Bottom (PC) 最底层 The only way is up!
    Achievement Mecha Mayhem 机甲混战 Do battle against 双子魔眼, 毁灭者, and 机械骷髅王 simultaneously and emerge victorious.
    Achievement Gelatin World Tour 明胶世界之旅 Defeat every type of 史莱姆 there is!
    Achievement Fashion Statement 时尚宣言 Equip 盔甲 or 时装 clothing in all three social slots.
    Achievement Vehicular Manslaughter 开车谋杀 Defeat an 敌怪 by running it over with a 矿车.
    • Killing an enemy with the 机械矿车's lasers will not work.
    Achievement Bulldozer 推土机 Destroy a total of 10,000 tiles.
    File:Achievement There are Some Who Call Him.png 有人要杀他... Kill 蒂姆.
    • Reference to Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and his quote "There are some who call me... Tim."
    Achievement Deceiver of Fools 傻瓜骗子 Kill a 宁芙.
    • Needs to be killed in Nymph form. Killing a Lost Girl before it transforms into a Nymph will not count.
    Achievement Sword of the Hero 英雄之剑 Obtain a 泰拉刃, forged from the finest blades of and 黑暗.
    Achievement Lucky Break 时来运转 Survive a long fall with just a sliver of 生命值 remaining.
    • With 500 health, a defense of 0 and no items to negate 掉落伤害, the player must fall exactly 74 物块. (70 Hit Points)
    Achievement Throwing Lines 扔绳子 Throw a 悠悠球.
    Achievement Dye Hard 处处遍染 Equip a 染料 in every possible dye slot.
    Achievement Sick Throw 非凡投掷 Obtain the 泰拉悠悠球.
    Achievement The Frequent Flyer 常旅客 Spend over 1 gold being treated by the 护士.
    • It doesn't have to be all at once. You can get healed by the nurse every so often and it adds up. Just over one gold represents a total of 13 334 生命值 restored, or 14 减益 removed.
    Achievement The Cavalry 骑兵 装备 a 坐骑.
    Achievement Completely Awesome 妙不可言 Obtain a 迷你鲨.
    File:Achievement Til Death.png 至死不渝... Kill 僵尸新郎.
    Achievement Archaeologist 考古学家 Kill 骷髅博士.
    Achievement Pretty in Pink 粉红佳人 Kill 粉史莱姆.
    Achievement Rainbows and Unicorns 彩虹和独角兽 Fire a 彩虹枪 while riding on a 独角兽.
    Achievement You and What Army 你和哪路神仙啊? Command nine summoned 仆从s simultaneously.
    • See 仆从 for info on summoning multiple Minions.
    • Having 8 Minions and then summoning another will grant the achievement, even if your minion cap is 8 so one immediately disappears.
    Achievement Prismancer 七彩法师 Obtain a 彩虹魔杖.
    Achievement It Can Talk 它能说话?! Build a house in a 蘑菇生物群落 and have 松露人 move in.
    • It must be above the surface for the Truffle to move in.
    File:Achievement Watch Your Step.png 当心脚下! Become a victim to a nasty 地下 机关.
    • Being killed by explosives activated by a Pressure Plate also works.
    • You must be killed by the trap; merely taking damage will not work.
    • Being killed by anything while poisoned by a 飞镖机关 will count for the achievement.
    Achievement Marathon Medalist 马拉松奖牌得主 Travel a total of 26.2 miles on foot.
    • 26.2 miles is equivalent to 69,168 tiles.
    Achievement Glorious Golden Pole 荣耀金杆 Obtain a 金钓竿.
    • Reward from the 渔夫, after exactly 30 quests or 1/250 chance after 75 quests.
    Achievement Servant-in-Training 受训仆人 Complete your 1st quest for the 渔夫.
    Achievement Good Little Slave 三好小奴隶 Complete your 10th quest for the 渔夫.
    Achievement Trout Monkey 顽皮鳟鱼 Complete your 25th quest for the 渔夫.
    Achievement Fast and Fishious 游刃有鱼 Complete your 50th quest for the 渔夫.
    File:Achievement Supreme Helper Minion.png 终极得力仆从! Complete a grand total of 200 quests for the 渔夫.
    Achievement Topped Off 满满当当 Attain maximum 生命值 and 魔力 possible without 配饰 or buffs.
    Achievement Slayer of Worlds 世界杀手 Defeat every Boss in Terraria.
    File:Achievement You Can Do It.png 你能行! Survive your character's first full 夜晚.
    Achievement Matching Attire 搭配服装 Equip 盔甲 in all three armor slots: head, chest, and feet.
    • Does not have to be a matching set.
  • Xbox 360 / Xbox One Xbox 360

    There are a total of 30 achievements, worth 400 points (360) or 1000 points (One).

  • Name Description Points
    (Xbox 360)
    (Xbox One)
    Achievement Home Sweet Home Home Sweet Home The 向导 has moved in! 20 50
    File:Achievement All In The Family.png All in the Family Every NPC has moved in! 10 25 Does not require 圣诞老人.
    Achievement Rock Bottom 最底层 You have reached the bottom of the World! 10 25
    Achievement Exterminator Exterminator You have defeated every Boss! 25 75
    Achievement Slimer 恶翅史莱姆 You have killed every type of 史莱姆! 10 25
    Achievement Challenge Accepted Challenge Accepted You have unlocked Hard Mode! 10 25
    Achievement Maxed Out Maxed Out You have the maximum 生命值 and 魔力! 15 40
    Achievement Corruptible Corruptible Your World is 腐化! 10 25 At least 50%; ask the 树妖 to see your progress.
    File:Achievement Hallowed By The Name.png Hallowed Be Thy Name Your World is 神圣! 10 25 At least 50%; ask the 树妖 to see your progress.
    Achievement Ophthalmologist Ophthalmologist You have defeated 双子魔眼! 15 40
    Achievement Bona Fide Bona Fide You have defeated 机械骷髅王! 15 40
    Achievement Ride The Worm Ride the Worm You have defeated 毁灭者! 15 40
    Achievement Marathon Runner Marathon Runner You have traveled over 42km on the ground! 20 50 About 68,898 blocks.
    Achievement Landscaper Landscaper You have removed more than 10,000 blocks! 15 40
    Achievement Crowd Control Crowd Control You have defeated the 哥布林军队! 15 40
    Achievement Survivor Survivor You have survived the first night! 10 25
    Achievement Icarus Icarus You can only go down from here! 10 25 Reach the top of the map.
    File:Achievement Vanity Of Vanities.png Vanity of Vanities Looking good! 10 15 Equip a full set of 时装物品 and/or 盔甲.
    Achievement Pet Hoarder Pet Hoarder You seem to like pets. 10 25 Obtain all (console) pets.
    Achievement Terraria Student Terraria Student Begin the tutorial! 5 5
    Achievement Terraria Expert Terraria Expert You have completed the tutorial! 5 5
    Achievement Be Prepared Be Prepared You are ready for battle! 15 40 Activate 5 Buffs at the same time.
    Achievement Airtime! Airtime! Enjoy the view. 10 25 Stay in the air for enough time. (Multiple short times works too.)
    Achievement Blacksmith Blacksmith You are a master smith! 15 40 Craft 300 items at an . (Recomended: 火枪子弹s)
    Achievement I'm Smelting! I'm Smelting! You have smelted 10,000 bars of metal! 20 50
    File:Achievement A Knight In Shining Armor.png A Knight in Shining Armors You have obtained every type of 盔甲. 15 40 You need to equip them once in your armor slots as well.
    Achievement Engineer Engineer You have placed 100 电线s! 10 25
    Achievement Red Moon Rises Red Moon Rises You have survived the 血月! 10 25
    Achievement Crafty Crafty You have used every 制作站! 20 50
    File:Achievement To Hell And Back.png To Hell and Back You have gone to 地狱 and back without dying! 20 40 It doesn't count if you use a magic mirror to return to the surface.
  • Playstation 3 / Playstation 4 / Playstation Vita Template:Console icon

    There are a total of 39 trophies: 1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 19 Silver and 17 Bronze.

  • Name Description Quality Notes
    Trophy Completionist! Completionist! All the trophies have been earned. Platinum
    File:Trophy Home Sweet Home.png Home Sweet Home The 向导 has moved in! Bronze
    File:Trophy Terraria Student.png Terraria Student Begin the tutorial! Bronze
    File:Trophy All in the Family.png All in the Family Every NPC has moved in! Bronze Does not require 圣诞老人.
    File:Trophy Rock Bottom.png 最底层 You have reached the bottom of the World! Bronze
    File:Trophy Exterminator.png Exterminator You have defeated every Boss! Silver
    File:Trophy Slimer.png 恶翅史莱姆 You have killed every type of 史莱姆! Silver
    File:Trophy Challenge Accepted.png Challenge Accepted You have unlocked Hard Mode! Gold
    File:Trophy Maxed Out.png Maxed Out You have the maximum 生命值 and 魔力! Silver
    File:Trophy Corruptible.png Corruptible Your World is 腐化! Silver At least 50%; ask the 树妖 to see your progress.
    Trophy Hallowed Be Thy Name Hallowed Be Thy Name Your World is 神圣! Silver At least 50%; ask the 树妖 to see your progress.
    File:Trophy Ophthalmologist.png Ophthalmologist You have defeated 双子魔眼! Silver
    File:Trophy Bona Fide.png Bona Fide You have defeated 机械骷髅王! Silver
    File:Trophy Ride the Worm.png Ride the Worm You have defeated 毁灭者! Silver
    File:Trophy Marathon Runner.png Marathon Runner You have traveled over 42km on the ground! Bronze About 68,898 blocks.
    File:Trophy Landscaper.png Landscaper You have removed more than 10,000 blocks! Bronze
    File:Trophy Crowd Control.png Crowd Control You have defeated the 哥布林军队! Bronze
    File:Trophy Survivor.png Survivor You have survived the first night! Bronze
    File:Trophy Icarus.png Icarus Reach the top of the World! Bronze
    Trophy Vanity of Vanities Vanity of Vanities Wear a full set of vanity clothes. Bronze Fill all your vanity slots with armor and/or vanity clothes.
    File:Trophy Pet Hoarder.png Pet Hoarder Find ALL Pets Silver
    File:Trophy Be Prepared.png Be Prepared Activate 5 增益s at the same time. Bronze
    File:Trophy Airtime!.png Airtime! Enjoy the view. Bronze Stay in the air for enough time. (Multiple short times works too.)
    File:Trophy Blacksmith.png Blacksmith Craft 300 items at an . Silver Recomended: 火枪子弹s.
    File:Trophy I'm Smelting!.png I'm Smelting! You have smelted 10,000 bars of metal! Silver
    Trophy A Knight in Shining Armors A Knight in Shining Armors You have obtained every type of 盔甲. Silver You need to equip them once in your armor slots as well.
    File:Trophy Engineer.png Engineer You have placed 100 电线s! Bronze
    File:Trophy Red Moon Rises.png Red Moon Rises You have survived the 血月! Bronze
    File:Trophy Crafty.png Crafty You have used every 制作站! Silver
    Trophy To Hell and Back To Hell and Back You have gone to 地狱 and back without dying! Silver
    Trophy Back for Second Back for Second You have defeated all the prime Boss twice! Gold
    File:Trophy Is This Heaven.png Is This Heaven? You have found a 漂浮岛! Bronze
    Trophy Leap a tall building in a single bound Leap a tall building in a single bound Jump really, really high. Silver It only calculates the falling distance.
    Trophy Safe Fall Safe Fall You have landed safely. Silver Use a 云朵瓶/Lucky Horse Shoe/other item for this.
    Trophy Hellevator Hellevator Go from the 地表 to 地狱 in under a minute. Silver See Hellevator (and use a small map).
    Trophy Gone in 60 seconds Gone in 60 seconds You ran continuously for 60 seconds. Bronze You need 赫尔墨斯靴 for this and a long flat area/a 重力药水.
    Trophy Appease the Volcano Gods Appease the Volcano Gods You sacrificed The 向导 in boiling hot magma! Silver Burn the Guide to death with 熔岩 (Throwing the Guide Voodoo Doll into lava will not work).
    Trophy Homicidal Homicidal You killed The 向导, you maniac! Silver Equip a 向导巫毒娃娃 and attack the 向导.
    Trophy Terraria Expert Terraria Expert You have completed the tutorial! Bronze
  • Mobile Template:Mobile icon

    There are a total of 12 achievements, for a total of 1000 points.

  • Name Description Points Notes
    Achievement Terraria Expert Terraria Expert Complete the tutorial 80
    Achievement Home Sweet Home Home Sweet Home The 向导 has moved into your house 80
    File:Achievement All In The Family.png All in the Family Every NPC has moved into your house 80 Does not require 圣诞老人.
    Achievement Rock Bottom 最底层 Reach the bottom of the World 80
    Achievement Exterminator Exterminator Defeat every Boss 80
    Achievement Maxed Out Maxed Out Max out your 生命值 and 魔力! 80
    Achievement Crowd Control Crowd Control You have defeated the 哥布林军队! 80
    Achievement Slimer 恶翅史莱姆 Kill every type of 史莱姆 80
    File:Trophy Is This Heaven.png Is This Heaven? You have found a 漂浮岛! 80
    File:Achievement A Knight In Shining Armor.png A Knight in Shining Armors Obtain every type of armor available. 90 You need to equip them once in your armor slots as well.
    Achievement Red Moon Rises Red Moon Rises Survive the 血月 100
    Achievement Crafty Crafty Used every 制作站 90
  • 备注

    • The 有家可归 achievement is likely a reference to the phrase "No homo."
    • The Hallowed Be Thy Name achievement is probably a reference to the song (by the same name) from the Iron Maiden album The Number of The Beast. The phrase is also in the opening of the Lord's Prayer found in Mathew 6:9 of the Christian Bible.
    • The 世界杀手 achievement appears to have Redigit in it, or someone wearing Red's Armor.
    • The nine trophies without a corresponding 成就 are: Appease the Volcano Gods, Back for Second, Completionist, Gone in 60 seconds, Hellevator, Homicidal, Is This Heaven?, Leap a tall building in a single bound, and Safe Fall.
    • The 时髦小镇 achievement can be gained when you are in a 蘑菇生物群落 and use the 魔镜 or 手机.
    • The Crowd Control achievement is referenced in the loading text. "When dealing with a Goblin Army, crowd control is key."
    • The 泰拉瑞亚斗士 achievement had a different image before the release of, as not to spoil the surprise of what the final boss would look like before 1.3 was released. It was a silhouette of the Moon Lord, only showing the eye at the top of his head and his shape.
    • The file name for the 越来越热 achievement misspells it as "Its Hetting Hot in Here".
    • The 举步维艰! achievement appears to show the various souls obtainable in Hardmode. Clockwise, starting from the top-left, it seems to be: Sight, 夜晚, Fright, , Flight, and (barely visible) Might.
    • The 世界杀手 achievement can sometimes be obtained without killing 月亮领主 or 猪龙鱼公爵, likely due to an oversight.
    • Achievements do not exist in the Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version.


    As of version 1.3.4, there are six unimplemented achievements in the game code:

    • 面具背后 - Slay the Insane Cultist, a mad magician with powerful spells.
    • 戴维·琼斯的宝藏 - Defeat the 荷兰飞盗船, the sails of the plunderin' skies.
    • 冷若冰霜 - Defeat the 冰雪女王, wicked witch of the coldest nights.
    • 南瓜粉碎者 - Defeat the 南瓜王, the spooky lord of hallow's eve.
    • 独立日 - Defeat a Mothership, overminds of the martian invaders.
    • 魔法教育 - Defeat a 哥布林召唤师, conjurers of the darkest flames.



      • Fixed certain achievements not being obtainable in 多人模式 (you should now be able to get them all). (i.e. "Baleful Harvest" or "Ice Scream")
      • Fixed fishing achievements not being counted on Steam or resetting on startup.
      • "Dye Hard" now really requires having all of the equipment slots include dye, rather than just armor/accessory slots.
      • Fixed 'event' achievements not being granted in multiplayer ("You can do it!", "It's Hard!", "No Hobo" and so on)
      • Fixed 'Funkytown' achievement will no longer be granted after respawning from death in the glowing mushroom biome.
      • Fixed achievements menu slider bar hanging on top of screen if all filters are disabled.
    • Introduced Steam achievements for Desktop players.

    Template:Translation project
