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File:Basic Wiring.png



从版本1.3.1开始, 游戏中有颜色不同的四种电线, 这四种电线可以用对应的四种扳手、五彩扳手或者精密线控仪来连接。所有的扳手使用同样规格的电线,且在被放置的同时会被方便地漆上颜色。四种扳手在功能上是相通的, 但是不同颜色的电线不会相互连接,例如黄线不会与红绿蓝线中的任意一种项连; 这样的四种电线让玩家能够建造更加紧凑复杂的电路。外加上分线盒的出现,允许同色电线交叉而不相连, 使得电线的排布可以千变万化。



开关控制杆都是输入。它们每次切换时都会发出一道电流。它们扳到哪个方向并不重要。 如果将火把连接到开关,在第一次扳开关时它将被关闭,在第二次扳开关时将打开,即使火把连接到开关上时它正处于关闭位置也是如此。




当满足一定条件的时候,感应器就会产生电流。从1.3.1版本开始,你可以使用三种感应器。它们分别是逻辑感应器(夜), 逻辑感应器(昼)与逻辑感应器(玩家出入上方)。在夕阳西下时 (7:29 到 7:30) 逻辑感应器(夜)会产生一次电流。相对的逻辑感应器(昼)会在黎明破晓之际(4:29 到 4:30)产生一次电流。逻辑感应器(玩家出入上方)在玩家踏入和踏出其探测区域的时候产生一次电流。不过请注意逻辑感应器不会产生恒定电流,昼夜感应器都只会在特定时段产生一次电流,逻辑感应器(玩家出入上方)的探测区域也是如此。




门将在收到电流后切换其状态。尽管门只算是一种转轴机关, 你还是可以用电线连接打开的门并触发电路去关闭它。当一扇大门紧闭时,它将无法接受电流并且不会因为电流而打开 。这个特性对于一道需要自动关闭的安全出口十分有用, 并且你还不用担心因误触开关而导致门意外打开的窘境发生。请注意,站在门缝中间然后触发电路关闭门的愚蠢行径可能会使门连同其物品突然消失。


雕像在收到由电线传递的一股电流后会激活一次, 不过一次雕像的激活必须上一次的激活之后过去足够的时间。并非所有雕像都有功能,有功能的雕像则通常用于刷怪。 不过由雕像刷出的敌怪不会掉落金钱且掉落物的掉率通常会更低.。由雕像生成的小动物不能被捕捉。








收到电流时,炸药(物品) 会爆炸,这样引起的爆炸比雷管效果更强。可以从战术上放置它们,并在安全距离处引爆,这使它们比其他具有物块破坏效果的炸药更准确,但设置起来却不那么简单。

There are two kinds of pumps that can be crafted to move large quantities of Water, Lava, or Honey. the Inlet Pump sucks in a liquid (as long as it is touching the liquid), and the Outlet Pump sends it out (until the pump is completely submerged). The two pumps need to be connected with a wire which acts like a "pipe". Each time either pump is activated, the Inlet Pump will transfer up to four tiles of liquid to the Outlet Pump. For continuous automated pumping, a Timer must be connected to the wire. This method may also be used in a trap manner in defending your crafted home if used correctly. It should be noted that over time, the amount of liquid pumped out will be greater than the amount of liquid pumped in. (See: Guide:Making liquid.)



There are three types of timers: one second, three second, and five second. Timers are both an input and an output, making them uniquely capable of sending close to a constant current. If a timer is active, it will send a current every 1, 3 or 5 seconds, depending on which type is used. If a timer receives a current, it will change its state. Timers can be used with statues to activate them as often as possible. Unfortunately, timers can't be placed sequentially to create longer intervals between activations unless you use a special technique. Two one second timers will not add up to two seconds. However, if you link timers together with different colored wire, it will make a cascade that will make a custom length of time kind of timer. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhVgnlOidpY for how to build it. A current will be sent at the interval of the shortest timer on the circuit. A simple use for timers would be making a disco room or mob area.


开关、拉杆和计时器不是保持农场、灯光及一系列陷阱运作唯一的方式。只需Crab Statue或是Bird Statue以及压力版,就可以简单地制作出一个引擎,可以比一秒timer更频繁地激活。原理是先生成和捕获螃蟹或鸟,再让它踩压力版。引擎因此成为hooksgelbanner农场的理想选择。

建造引擎有多种方法。The Bird Engine with multiple pressure plates is more efficient to use and is much more compact compared to the Crab Engine, which requires a path for crabs to walk to the pressure plates.

There is a guide in the forums that advanced players may find helpful An Introduction to Hoiktronics "Hoiktronic is intended to communicate the key use of the 'hoik' glitch (with sloped blocks) to control the movement of NPCs so rapidly and precisely that they become somewhat like big, fat electrons, facilitating rapid digital mechanisms." Another useful guide is Fastest Engines, which includes: Hoiktronic Counter (Video), Crab Engine (Compact), Hoik Engines, House Hoik Engine, Teleporter Engines (Standard, Hoik Hybrid (Guide Engine, Hoik Hybrid (Ultimate, 1 Step)), Minecart Engines, Bird Engines, Rainstick Engines (Video included) (Stumps, Repeater, Spear Trap Batteries, Continuous Drop), 1.3 Update Notes (Including 'Ghost Dummy' Engines).



Detonators are special wiring objects added in version They are different from most other wiring devices due to being both an input and output (timers being the only other device like it). They are also a combination of pre-existing inputs, namely the Switch and Pressure Plate. They are a 2x2 object that, when stepped on by the player (but not other entities) produces current, and can also be right-clicked to do the same. When a current runs through a Detonator, it switches states, and also is unable to be right-clicked to switch states until a second current is received by it.


Timers often "backfire" onto a mechanism, but with the Teal Pressure Pad and a Dart Trap it is possible to create a "diode," a wiring function which only works in one direction. Wire the source up to the Dart Trap, place the Teal Pressure Pad directly in line (you may need to do some hammering of the trap or plate to make sure the dart will hit), and wire the output up to the Pressure Pad. This means that when the source is activated, the Dart Trap fires, causing the Teal Pressure Pad to register a hit. However, because there is no continuous wire then whatever is rigged up to the Teal Pressure Pad will not re-activate the source.

A simpler form of diode can be constructed out of most Logic Gates (except XOR) with a single Lamp on top. Wire the source to the lamp and the sink to the gate.


It is possible to construct a mechanism out of a series of Logic Gates whose output signal will be triggered on every other input signal. Such mechanisms can be concatenated to produce a machine with the ability to count the number of inputs signals it receives. This may be used, for example, to count the number of days by attaching such a machine to a Logic Sensor (Day).

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