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Not to be confused with 阳炎之怒 or 狂星之怒.
Starfury (demo)


The Starfury is a sword that summons a star projectile from the sky when swung. The star falls to the location of the mouse cursor upon use, emitting light particles and piercing up to 2 enemies but dealing no knockback. The Starfury can only be obtained from Skyware Chests, , or on Floating Islands.

Its best modifier is Legendary.在Console version Console version上其最佳修饰语是神级,因为无法给它近战修饰语。



Lua错误 在Module:Recipes的第647行:attempt to concatenate local 'row' (a table value)


  • 星星射弹是在玩家所面对方向的背面、玩家上方约 38 格且(水平)距离光标位置最多 12 格处生成。
    • 因此,点击屏幕最底部会导致星星几乎沿着垂直线下落,在屏幕顶部点击会导致其轨迹的角度在很大范围内变化。
  • Equipment that increases melee speed, such as Shadow armor, will increase the speed of the falling star.
  • 在实心的地里生成的星星会飞过物块,直到到达开放空间并只在那时才会变成实体,因此,此武器在地下也依然有用。
  • 当其射弹能力正在充能时,玩家不能切换到热键栏上的其他物品,也不能将星怒放入物品栏。
  • 星星射弹有时会错误地穿过 1 格厚的地板。这在玩家改变方向或跳跃时似乎更经常发生。
  • The fallen star projectile will not go through platforms, but it will pass through stairs.


  • 星怒可以用于揭示山洞,因为在与物块碰撞后其发光微粒还会继续向下行进 10 到 35 格。
  • The Magma Stone and Frost armor set bonus affect the star projectiles even while they are passing through blocks, which will help map the solid areas.
  • As early as the Starfury can be obtained, it is extremely useful throughout all of Pre-Hardmode, and can stay useful later into the game as an exploration tool.
  • 由于星星落在光标所点击的地方,它们可用于透过墙攻击。
  • The stars spawn at the top of the screen. Thus, they cannot be used to hit anything above the screen, such as floating islands or large bosses.
  • With correct aim, the Starfury can be used to hit an enemy with the blade and another enemy with the star, or the same enemy twice in one swing.
  • Beware when using the Starfury in the Underground Jungle, as it can easily break the Larva in an undiscovered Bee Hive, summoning the Queen Bee boss.
  • It is not recommended to throw away or sell the Starfury, as it is needed to craft the Zenith, a powerful endgame sword.
  • Since the star projectile has a bit of delay before landing, it's best to aim your cursor 1-3 blocks away when going for a moving target.


  • The stars of the Starfury does the highest pre-hardmode melee damage (it has two more damage even when compared to the Night's Edge).
  • 狂星之怒可视为此武器的升级版。
  • 更早期版本中星怒归类为魔法武器,能召唤出类似于狂星之怒那样的星星洪流。这使其一直到困难模式时,以及困难模式早期中都是一把很高效的武器。这种能力在 1.2 中被移除,同时武器的分类也改变了。


  • 电脑版 1.2.3:
    • 修正了星怒作为近战武器却能获得魔法前缀的问题。
    • 修正了星怒射弹是魔法而非近战的问题(不再会触发幽灵盔甲的效果中的魔法暴击效果)。
  • 电脑版 1.2:
    • 伤害提升,落下的星星(由 15 提升至 22)剑自身(由 16 提升至 22)都有所提升。
    • 现在有充能时间了。
    • 现在归类为近战伤害而非魔法伤害。
    • 使用不再需要魔力。
    • 物品栏外观更新。
  • 电脑版 1.0.6:
    • 伤害从 15 提升至 16。
    • 魔力消耗由 11 提升至 16。
    • 由星怒所产生的星星如果是在物块内生成的,现在会继续飞行直到它们到达开放空间,在这个时间点上它们会变为实体。