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税收官Hardmode exclusive
Tax Collector
Map Icon Tax Collector
AI Type被动 AI
Max Life250
KB Resist50%


税收官是个困难模式 NPC,向其他入住房屋的 NPC 收税来为玩家赚取钱币。他是通过向痛苦亡魂(稀有地狱敌怪)身上抛洒净化粉而取得的。此敌怪会变成税收官,如果被杀,他会像所有城镇 NPC 一样在空房屋可用时重生。

When the Tax Collector is present, 50 will be earned per real-world minute (each in-game hour), for each NPC that has a house – including the Tax Collector himself. The Tax Collector stores these funds, up to 10. Speaking to him will reveal the amount stored thus far, and offer the option to collect. On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, and Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version, his tax limit (as well as his current funds and how much he collects per minute) varies depending on his current happiness; thus, how much he earns per minute will be between 33 and 66, while his limit will be between 66666 and 133333.[1]




For more information, see NPC happiness.


  • 资金随时可以提取,没有最小存款额要求。
  • When the Tax Collector's maximum storage of 10 is reached, he will not collect any further coins until the player collects from him.
  • 使用附魔日晷而流逝的时间也计入他收的税额中。
  • Time passed using the Journey Mode time menu counts towards his total.
  • 多人模式中,每个玩家赚取的税收是独立维护的,提取并不会影响到其他玩家的收益。
  • The Tax Collector can be teleported using the King statue.
  • 他不会参加[[派对|]],甚至不会戴上派对帽。但是,他却仍然可能举办派对。
  • 税收官在从痛苦亡魂变回自身时会维持着对他造成的减益


  • With 20 town NPCs, the Tax Collector will collect 10 every minute, collecting 240 per in-game day.
  • 搜索痛苦亡魂时,确保已经取消所有仆从,这样它们就不会将它杀死。请注意,如果仆从把痛苦亡魂杀掉了,它会像任何其他敌怪一样重生。
  • Bringing some Purification Powder when going to kill the Wall of Flesh for the first time, will let the player recruit the Tax Collector almost immediately after starting Hardmode, even before returning to the surface or breaking altars.


The 税收官 may have any of the following names:

  • Agnew
  • Blanton
  • Carroll
  • Chester
  • Cleveland
  • Dwyer
  • Fillmore
  • Grover
  • Harrison
  • Herbert
  • Lyndon
  • McKinly
  • Millard
  • Ronald
  • Rutherford
  • Theodore
  • Tweed
  • Warren
  • Woodrow



    • Must everyone open and shut doors so incredibly noisily around here?!
    • I see you're free of time, as usual. Can't imagine what work life would be for your kind of folk.
    • ...two barrels of molasses, plus -- Oh, nevermind that, you're here. Here's your money.
    • What does a man have to do to be left alone in this place? Go bugger someone less busy!
    • You again? Suppose you want more money!?
    • Yes, yes, yes! -- I'll give you your share in just a moment. I'd think you to be a bit more patient, what with me doing all the work and all.


    • I just came from <商人的名字>'s. He wanted to know if I took credit cards.


    • Go tell <军火商的名字> to stop offering to pay me with ammo, I don't even own a gun.


    • Tried to get <树妖的名字> to pay me with favors once, now I have fungus growing in strange places.


    • Why don't YOU try collecting money from <爆破专家的名字> and not lose a hand or foot or...

    During Rain :

    • "Humbug! Someone tried to tell me they saw a fish walking on land. Who do they take ME for?!"
    • "Why can't it be raining gold coins!? Water is everywhere! Bah, how useless!"

    During a [[雷雨|]]:

    • "A marvelous storm! A remarkable storm!"
    • "I am as giddy as a drunken man! I love this weather!"


    • "Just because your house blows down, doesn't mean you stop paying taxes!"
    • "Bah! If this wind keeps up, people will lose their precious possessions and stop paying me!"


    • "Death and taxes, nothing more sure in life than that!"
    • "The people here aren't paying up! They are better off dead! Oh, perhaps they already are."

    When the player clicks "Collect" and money is collected:

    • "Here's your cut of the taxes that I've taken from our surplus population!"
    • "Here you are again, taking all my coin! Just grab it and begone from my sight!"
    • "Bah! Here, take your shillings and get out of my sight!"
    • "This is all you're gonna get for now, not a penny more! Take it and spend it wisely."

    When the player clicks "Collect" and there is no money to be collected:

    • "...And people call me greedy? No, I have nothing else for you."
    • "Oh, so you just see me as a coin sign, eh? 'Cus every time you see me, you ask me."
    • "Don't you ever stop just to say 'Hi?'"
    • "Bah! You again? You just grabbed some of my coin just moments ago, so bugger off and come back later!"
    • "I just gave you half a crown five minutes ago! Scram!"
    • "Reaching into my moneybags again already!? And you call ME greedy."
    • "You just received your pay, and not a farthing more! Get out!"
    • "Money doesn't grow on trees, so don't overpick my fruit! Bah! "
    • "You already managed to spend every pence I paid you!? Bah, I'm not a charity, go kill a slime!"
    • "Not so fast! You got your money, now begone! "
    • "Begging so soon?! Don't look at me like I'll have a change of heart overnight! "
  • 快乐话语

  • 无家可归时:

    • "How can a man of my riches have no home? Preposterous!"

    When neutral:

    • "What? I AM in a good mood."


    • "Bah! I'm trying to make my way back home to count my money. Begone!"


    • "Finally, isolation from all these miserable peasants!"


    • "I'll have you know, I dislike neighbors!"
    • "Go tell all these miserable poor freeloaders to scram, I hate crowds."

    When in a Snow biome:

    • "Living in the Snow forces people to stay indoors and leave me alone. I find that pleasant."

    When in the Hallow:

    • "What kind of irritating place is the Hallow? Poppycock, I tell you!"

    When in an Evil biome or the Dungeon:

    • "Even for my standard, the Corruption/Crimson/Dungeon is beyond miserable! Bah!"

    When near the Merchant:

    • "I highly admire <name of Merchant> the Merchant. Anyone who knows the true value of money earns my utmost respect!"


    • "Exuberant people tend to give me a headache, but somehow I actually like <name of Party Girl> the Party Girl. I must be losing my mind!"


    • "<name of Demolitionist> the Demolitionist is just too noisy, away with them and their ilk!"

    When near the Mechanic:

    • "<name of Mechanic> the Mechanic is just too noisy, away with them and their ilk!"

    When near Santa Claus:

    • "I loathe the very existence of Santa Claus! What kind of lunatic just gives things away for free?"
  • 花絮

    • The Tax Collector is a reference to Ebenezer Scrooge from the Charles Dickens story A Christmas Carol. Scrooge is a greedy, grumpy old man with a cane and top hat, mutton chops, and a hunched back. Many of his quotes are references to the story. Additionally this is why he prefers the Snow biome, dislikes Christmas and hates Santa.
    • 税收官的备选名字全部都是著名的美国政治家,其中大多数都曾担任总统或副总统。
    • 税收官不参加[[派对|]]事件,这几乎可以肯定是故意这么弄的,并且可能是另一处对史古基(Ebenezer Scrooge)的引用,因为他们俩都不庆祝。
    • 在游戏文件中,税收官有另一个不戴帽子的图像:Tax Collector (without hat)。这本来是用在派对期间来让他戴派对帽的。
    • 他的很多话都参考了使用十进制单位之前的英国货币的口语名称,比如先令
    • The quote "Go tell <name of Arms Dealer> to stop offering to pay me with ammo, I don't even own a gun." is possibly a reference to the post-apocalyptic fiction novel Metro 2033, where ammo is used as currency. However, it's more likely that the Arms Dealer is making a veiled threat to shoot the Tax Collector rather than paying him, and the Tax Collector doesn't understand the undertone. Money can be used as ammo for the Coin Gun.
    • 话语“Tried to get <树妖的名字> to pay me with favors once, now I have fungus growing in strange places.”是个含糊的性暗指。
      • You already managed to spend every pence I paid you!? Bah, I'm not a charity, go kill a slime!”是指史莱姆很容易击杀以从它们身上弄点钱。
    • The quote "Just between you and me... I have no idea why they're bothering to pay the rent" exists in the game's source code, but never appears, possibly due to a coding error.
    • 税收官名叫“Agnew”的几率两倍于其他名字,同样可能是由于代码错误。
    • All the NPCs the Tax Collector likes or loves dislike or hate him in return.
    • In the Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version of the game, there used to be a chance the Tax Collector will be spawned with the name “TaxCollectorNames.Name_20”. The Tax Collector only has 19 names in total, so this is likely a small programming error. This has been fixed in the 1.0.1096.2 update (Desktop version 1.3.5 equivalent).
    • The 怪物图鉴物图 entry for the 税收官: "This grumpy Tax Collector has literally been to hell and back. Greedy to a fault, he's truly only concerned with money."


    • 电脑版 1.3.1: 修正税收官不会使用他的某些聊天对话的问题。


    1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method GUIChatDrawInner() in Terraria.Main.cs. Note that tax amounts are converted to a floating-point number, then divided by the current happiness price adjustment, then truncated to an integer; hence, e.g. 10 divided by a 150% price modifier gives 66666 due to the truncation. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is