Terraria Wiki
Desktop version
Desktop-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop version of Terraria.

金属探测器是一个信息配饰,当玩家附近有贵重物品时,如矿石宝箱罐子生命水晶生命果,它会向玩家显示讯息。显示时将包括检测到的具体类型(例如“附近检测到叶绿矿!”)。 当检测到多个贵重物品时,只显示具有最高价值的物品。 金属探测器有50%(100%)几率掉落自稀有洞穴敌怪宁芙




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Object value

This is how valuable the game considers some tiles. All other tiles have a value of 0. The name of the most valuable tile present will be shown by the Metal Detector.

Tile Value
罐子罐子 100
铜矿铜矿 200
锡矿锡矿 210
铁矿铁矿 220
铅矿铅矿 230
银矿银矿 240
钨矿钨矿 250
陨石陨石 300
魔矿魔矿 310
猩红矿猩红矿 320
坚固化石坚固化石 350
金矿金矿 400
铂金矿铂金矿 410
宝箱宝箱 500
钴矿钴矿 600
钯金矿钯金矿 610
秘银矿秘银矿 620
山铜矿山铜矿 630
精金矿精金矿 640
钛金矿钛金矿 650
叶绿矿叶绿矿 700
水晶之心水晶之心 800
生命果生命果 810


  • Its horizontal range is estimated to be ~95 feet, and its vertical range ~80 feet.
  • Even though it is the most powerful ore in 困难模式之前, 狱石 will not be detected.


  • The 洞穴探险药水 or 魔法灯笼 pair well with the Metal Detector, as this will also reveal the item location. It also reveals items the Metal Detector cannot detect, such as 宝石s, as well as displaying lower-tier ores when a higher tier is masking their detection by the Metal Detector.
  • 水晶之心s and Life Fruits are prioritized over ores, so it's a good idea for players searching for rare ores to break them even when the 生命水晶 or Fruit they drop is not needed. In the case of Fruits, block-piercing attacks can be used to more easily break them from afar.
  • For unknown reasons, it does not always detect 水中箱s, even when standing right on top of one.


  • Its sprite looks similar to an electrical connector.


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