Terraria Wiki
This article is about 工具类别. For 制作材料, see 爪钩(制作材料).
"Skeletron Hand" redirects here. For the boss part, see Skeletron.
Grappling Hook example horizontal


Multi-Hook Example


Grappling Hook (demo)



The Grapple hotkey activates the equipped hook in the player's equipment slot, or the first hook from the inventory (read from left→right, top→bottom) without requiring it to be in the player's hotbar.

Several higher-tier hooks, like the Ivy Whip, allow the player to grapple multiple surfaces simultaneously. If the character grapples one surface, then fires the hook a second time, another chain extends from the player without dislodging the first. Upon grappling a second surface, the player will be suspended in midair at a point midway between the two surfaces. This allows players more freedom during construction, or for navigating hazardous areas, such as above lava or Meteorite.

When the player first acquires a hook on the Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version, a small tutorial box will pop up telling the player how to use it.



  • 所有制作得到的钩爪都是在铁砧铅砧处制作的,月钩例外,它在远古操纵机制作。
  • 在已经钩住表面的情况下再次发射时,单钩会立即脱离。
  • 没有同时钩定能力的多钩(双钩;以及 1.3 之前的鱼钩)可以在第一根链条未钩住表面前发射第二根链条,但第二根链条钩住时第一根链条会脱离。
  • 多钩则仅当前一根链条已钩住或完全缩回后才能再次发射。鱼钩、双钩、蛛丝吊索、和月钩是例外,可以非常迅速地发射;发射的速度几乎能和玩家按按钮一样快。


物品 来源 射程
射速 钩子 钩抓 卖出 稀有度 备注


物品 来源 射程
射速 钩子 钩抓 卖出 稀有度 备注


Glowing Hooks comparison


Vortex Hooks

As shown in this image, each hook on the Lunar Hook shines its respective color. Solar (top) shines orange/red, Nebula (right) shines purple, Vortex (bottom) shines teal, and Stardust (left) shines blue.

Gravity Hook (demo)


Static Hook (demo)


Hook Boost


Hook of Dissonance (demo)

The Hook of Dissonance in action, teleporting the player.

  • The Squirrel Hook will sometimes automatically dislodge when grappled to Palm Trees.
  • Prior to 1.4, Grappling a platform or rail with only one hook would pull the player inside the platform, meaning that the player would always hit that platform with subsequent grapples. You would have to jump to dislodge the hook if this happens.
  • 当装备了火箭靴翅膀时,一旦钩爪钩住了某些东西就会立刻重置人物的飞行时间,这也适用于允许在空中多连跳物品,比如云朵瓶云朵气球
  • 所有钩爪都能保持附着在表面上持续 10 分钟(游戏内的时间是 10 小时),然后会自动脱离。
  • 玩家可以在抓住表面的同时从其物品栏中移除钩爪并保持抓住的状态,直到他们跳跃、使用另一个钩爪、或自动脱离为止,即使钩爪已经不在他们的物品栏中也是如此。
  • 通过热键栏使用时,多钩可以更快地重新射出,只需要前一根链条完全伸展即可。
  • Nintendo 3DS version There is a short in-game tutorial when the Grappling Hook is first obtained.
  • 试图在斜坡上使用钩爪经常会导致玩家抓住他们所站立的物块,因为技术上说他们是处于此物块内的。
  • Using a hook will cancel a mount buff. The mount will not appear again unless the player starts the buff again.
  • You cannot use the Hook of Dissonance to teleport though holes that the player is not normally able to fit though.


Achievement Hold on Tight!
Hold on Tight! • Equip your first grappling hook.
Equip a Grappling Hook.


  • When sprinting accessories are equipped, the burst of speed provided by a hook upon latching a surface can be used to accelerate a player to sprinting speed instantly. This can also be done with the Unicorn and Basilisk Mount's charging abilities, though requiring an additional input to reactive the mount, and Anti-Gravity Hook, but it will boost the player in the opposite direction.
  • 在用翅膀飞行时,可以用冰雪魔杖来提供钩抓所需的物块,反复在空中重置飞行时间。
  • 钩在物块上的人物对重力和击退免疫。在危险的位置,比如熔岩附近,钩在地面上可以保证不会在受到敌怪伤害时掉进去。
    • 玩家还可以利用向地面射出爪钩所提供免疫重力能力来防止掉落伤害
  • 同时钩抓的多钩对于复杂的操纵很有用。如果想要快速移动时,单独钩抓的多钩可以更快的移动,因为它们能立即将玩家抛过间隙,而不会自动将他们吊在半空中。
  • 可以快速连续发射的钩爪(双钩蛛丝吊索鱼钩、等等)在坠落时提供了更高的安全性。如果第一根钩子没有钩住表面,其他链条能提供额外的机会来避免掉落伤害。
  • If a player grapples onto a door and opens it while suspended, the player will fly through it with immense speed (up to 50 mph if performed in quick succession), provided they're in a position to fit through the door. The same effect can be achieved with Actuators. When there are Frozen Slime Blocks on the other side of the door, this speed will be kept and can be used for very rapid transportation in a skybridge, etc.
  • 用反重力钩钩住并进行绕圈移动时,魔力和生命会像玩家站立不动一样再生。它也提供了一种快速躲避的方法,即使在降低移动速度的效果(比如来自旋盔的特殊能力)作用下也是如此。
  • 如果有足够的空间,反重力钩对于躲避向蛾怪这样的快速敌怪非常有效。
  • 用反重力钩可以非常快速的攀爬光滑的墙壁,快速按下Grapple键并按住▲ Up键,同时保持鼠标位于屏幕中间的上方略偏右处。
  • 右键点击物品栏中的钩爪会自动将其装备到钩爪栏中。


  • It was once going to be possible to grapple to trees. However, this feature was later scrapped, because Redigit found that it "interfered with gameplay in an annoying way".[1] This feature has since been added as the Squirrel Hook's unique feature.
  • 鱼钩是一个文字游戏,使用现实生活中的钓鱼工具术语来表示具有相同外观的grappling。
  • 抓钩的工具提示,“Get over here!(给我过来!)”,是对《真人快打(Mortal Kombat)》中的蝎子(Scorpion)的标语的引用。
    • However, none of the hooks can grab entities and pull them forward in any way.
  • 月钩的工具提示“You want the moon? Just grapple it and pull it down!(想要得到月亮?抓住它然后拉下来!)”可能参考了台词“You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.”它来自乔治·贝礼(George Bailey),这是 1946 年美国圣诞幻想剧情电影《风云人物(It's a Wonderful Life)》的主角。
  • 蝙蝠钩很可能参考了 DC 漫画中虚构的超级英雄蝙蝠侠,他使用的抓钩能非常快地拉起,通常将他拉到壁架上。
  • 蛛丝吊索(Web Slinger)很可能参考了漫威(Marvel)漫画中虚构的超级英雄蜘蛛侠,因为他有吊在网上来强化移动的能力,经常被称为“Web Slinger(吊网者)”。
  • 当使用月钩时,发射的颜色总是遵循以下顺序:首先是橙色(日耀),第二个是绿色(星旋),第三个是粉色(星云),最后是蓝色(星尘)。
    • 由于月钩总是遵循这种模式,所以可以在不同的钩子中循环(即,发射它们但不要钩住任何物体)并用想要的颜色抓住物体。因此,也可以同时有四根同类型钩子(四根日耀、星云、星旋、或星尘钩子)在外面。
  • The Candy Cane Hook has the same sell value as the Hardmode hooks, although it can be obtained pre-Hardmode. It is also one of the few items with the Rarity level: 7 rarity that can be obtained pre-Hardmode.
  • 刺钩类似于世纪之花钩的缩影版。
  • 如果玩家在已经钩住的情况下切换钩爪,这现存的钩子会保持前一个钩爪的外观。但是,重新射出钩子会更新外观。
  • 如果从一个有较多钩子的旧钩爪切换到具有较少钩子的钩爪,新钩子会首先替换第一个射出的钩子,但随后将始终替换老的钩子。这是非常不稳定的,会导致很奇怪的效果,比如同时有两个静止钩处于钩抓状态。
  • The Static Hook has a rarity of Rarity level: 10 despite being acquirable after only one of the mechanical bosses has been defeated. It is also the only item with this rarity that can be purchased.
  • Considering that the Thorn Hook has the same stats as the three Biome Mimic hooks, the Illuminant, Tendon and Worm Hooks, it is possible that the Thorn Hook may have originally been intended as a drop from the Jungle Mimic, which never made it into the game.
  • The tooltip for the Squirrel Hook "In the tree, part of the tree." is a possible reference to the Adventure Time episode "Up A Tree" in which Finn climbs a tree to get a frisbee and meets a squirrel who says the line.
  • The ivy whip is the only grappling hook referred to as a whip. This is odd because as of 1.4 Whips were added as a weapon class.


  • 电脑版
    • Introduced Squirrel Hook, Amber Hook, and Hook of Dissonance.
    • Once grappled onto a platform, the player no longer continues to grapple onto the platform and get stuck once they release subsequent grapples.
    • Bat Hook pull in speed decreased from 16 to 13.
    • Bat Hook shoot speed decreased from 15.5 to 13.5.
    • Thorn Hook pull in speed increased from 11 to 12.
    • Thorn Hook shoot speed increased from 15 to 16.
    • Lunar Hook pull in speed increased from 13 to 16.
    • Lunar Hook shoot speed increased from 16 to 18.
  • 电脑版 修正了月钩至少要有一个钩子钩住之后才能自由使用的问题。
  • 电脑版
    • 引入了蠕虫钩、肌腱钩、荧光钩、刺钩、反重力钩、和月钩
    • 调整机制:
      • 给了钩爪专用的装备栏和染料栏,并且不在能够从物品栏发射。
      • 鱼钩改为同时钩抓。
      • 现在不能在冰冻状态下钩抓了。
  • 电脑版 1.2: 引入宝石钩、蛛丝吊索、骷髅王之手。
  • 电脑版 1.0.6:
    • 添加了抓钩热键。
    • 移除了 60 秒后自动解开的特性。
  • 3DS正式版: 引入到 1.2.1 为止所加入的所有钩爪,以及圣诞钩。

