Terraria Wiki
世纪之花第一形态Hardmode exclusive
Plantera (First form)
Map Icon Plantera (first form)
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
AI Type世纪之花 AI
Damage50/100/150 (melee) [1]
44/76/114 (Seed)
54/96/144 (green Poison Seed)
62/108/162 (Thorn Ball)
120 (Thorn Ball)
Max Life30000/42000/53550
Defense36 [1]
KB Resist100%
Immune to[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPoisoned]]File:Db-zh-twPoisoned.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPoisoned]][[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]File:Db-zh-twConfused.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Debuff tooltipTemplate:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twSlowly losing life
Chance50%/100% (green Poison Seed)
世纪之花第二形态Hardmode exclusive
Plantera (Second form)
Map Icon Plantera (second form)
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
AI Type世纪之花 AI
Damage70/140/210 [1]
Max Life15000/30000/21000/42000/26775/53550
Defense10 [1]
KB Resist100%
Immune to[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]File:Db-zh-twConfused.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]][[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPoisoned]]File:Db-zh-twPoisoned.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPoisoned]][[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twAcid Venom]]File:Db-zh-twAcid Venom.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twAcid Venom]]
Plantera's HookOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
Boss 部位
AI Type世纪之花钩 AI
Max Life4000/8000/12000
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
Immune to[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPoisoned]]File:Db-zh-twPoisoned.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPoisoned]][[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]File:Db-zh-twConfused.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]
Plantera's TentacleOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
Boss 部位
AI Type世纪之花触手 AI
Max Life1000/2000/2550
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
Immune to[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPoisoned]]File:Db-zh-twPoisoned.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twPoisoned]][[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]File:Db-zh-twConfused.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]
SporeOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
AI Type孢子 AI
Max Life1
KB Resist100%
Immune to[[File:[[:Template:GetBuffInfo|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]File:Db-zh-twConfused.png|link=Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-tw|Template:GetBuffInfo/db-zh-twConfused]]
Plantera Trophy"The jungle grows restless..."Plantera Trophy
"Spore" redirects here. For the crafting material found in the Underground Jungle, see Jungle Spores.

当三个机械Boss(毁灭者、机械骷髅王、双子魔眼) 被打败后,就能在地下丛林里生成世纪之花。她总是掉落神庙钥匙,使得丛林神庙可以被探索。

While 世纪之花 is alive, her exclusive music 八音盒(世纪之花) will play.

Otherworldly music音乐被激活,就会播放音轨Plantera (Otherworldly)


当三个机械Boss都被打败后,世纪之花的花苞会在地下丛林世界随机生成(在信息栏显示"The jungle grows restless..."信息后)。当世纪之花花苞被破坏时,会生成世纪之花。 世纪之花可以从很远的屏幕外生成。 花苞只能被稿子破坏,或将花苞下的方块破坏或被其他生物群落蔓延, 或用岩浆破坏它或环境改造枪.


File:Plantera screenshot.png

Plantera awoken

File:Plantera Second Form.png

Enraged Plantera/second form.



世纪之花会向玩家爬行,随着世纪之花受到的伤害提高,发射粉色种子的速度也会跟着提高 。当生命值低于80% (24000 / 33600 / 42839), 世纪之花会分泌出会弹跳的刺球和发射有毒的绿色种子。 尽管世纪之花的攻击范围很广,如果靠太近仍然会收到接触伤害,造成 50 / 100 / 150 伤害。


当世纪之花的血量只剩一半时(15000 / 21000 / 26774),她会变成第二种形态:她粉色的花瓣会飘下来,露出充满尖刺的嘴。在这种形态,世纪之花会更激进得移动来触碰玩家;她的近战伤害会提高到 70 / 140 / 210, 但是她的防御会很明显地降低到10。她还会从身体中长出额外的带嘴藤蔓(成为“世纪之花触手”)。一旦触手被击杀就不会再长出来,这让与世纪之花的战斗更容易。 世纪之花也会释放出漂浮的粉红色孢子射弹,向着玩家漂移,类似于巨型真菌球怪所释放的孢子。




  • Plantera's Hook 世纪之花之钩: 世纪之花触手末端,用来抓住表面以及造成60/120/180的接触伤害。
  • Plantera Seed (animated) Poison Seed (animated) 种子(一阶段):类似黄蜂的刺以及花冠的花瓣。绿色的毒种子比发射频率更高的粉色种子更致命,但只有世纪之花的生命耗尽80%以上时才会被发射(24000 / 33600 / 42839). 粉色和绿色种子分别造成 44 / 76 / 114 和 54 / 96 / 144 伤害。
  • Thorn Ball 刺球(一阶段): 刺球类似与武器尖球。如果刺球在同一区域停留太长时间,它们会不规律地反弹,并且可能使玩家不知所措,并且在触碰时造成62 / 108 / 162伤害。世纪之花会会在她生命值降低到80%以下时才会释放刺球(24000 / 33600 / 42839),跟绿色种子相似。进入第二阶段后,她将停止释放刺球,尽管先前释放的刺球可能会停留一段时间。
  • Plantera's Tentacle Plantera's Tentacles (second stage): Gnawing minions on "leashes", akin to smaller versions of The Hungry. They deal 60/138/206 damage and get in the way of the player's attacks, making piercing weapons more valuable. With 1000/2000/2550 life they are relatively weak and easily killed with proper equipment.
  • Spore Spores (second stage): Similar to the Fungi Spores fired by the Giant Fungi Bulb, traveling through blocks. Easily destroyed, similar to Burning Spheres and Water Spheres, but deal 70/140126/210189 damage if touched.



第 1 阶段

世纪之花的种子在交战开始时并不能穿透砖块,只增加了些许伤害,并且他们是人体描边大师(除非你站着不动)。 刺球也变得更加常见。

第 2 阶段

世纪之花的触须一开始只附着于身体上,现在吸附于其他物体之上并添加了数量。 now are attached to the Hooks and have increased in number (考虑每个勾上有三或更多的触须,他们可能在交战时额外出现九只)。他们通常拥有更多的生命值,世纪之花本体也拥有更高的伤害以及更快的速度。


世纪之花总是会掉落神庙钥匙,它允许进入丛林神庙并能接触到石巨人 Boss。在Old-gen console version Old-gen console version and Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version中,神庙钥匙也可以和生物群落钥匙模具一起用来制作生物群落钥匙;但在Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version, and tModLoader version tModLoader version中,生物群落钥匙在它们相应的生物群落中掉落,不再需要模具。

A status message saying "Screams are echoing from the dungeon..." will appear, signaling that new, more difficult enemy types will begin spawning in the Dungeon (see details). These drop powerful new weapons, accessories, and other items. Dungeon Spirits will begin to appear when Dungeon enemies with more than 100 health are slain, which drop Ectoplasm, a new crafting material that offers access to the Pumpkin Moon and Frost Moon events, as well as .



  • 当世纪之花苏醒时破坏花苞,不会有第二朵世纪之花生成,尽管花苞已被破坏。
  • 如果Plantera没有表面能抓住,她将缓慢向上浮动,向上进入地图的空间部分,或者直到撞到可以再次抓住的空间。世纪之花的钩子会穿过方块,所以试图框住她是不会成功的,她只会爬出去。
  • 如果在击败血肉墙前击败了三个机械boss,仍然需要杀死血肉墙以触发状态消息"The jungle grows restless..."
  • Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version,世纪之花的刺球造成的伤害更高,比其他平台上的专家模式击中伤害更高。


Achievement The Great Southern Plantkill
The Great Southern Plantkill • Defeat Plantera, the overgrown monstrosity of the jungle's depths.
Defeat Plantera for the first time.


For more elaborate strategies on defeating 世纪之花, including weapon and arena recommendations, see 指南:世纪之花攻略.
  • 在召唤世纪之花前挖掘一个够大的区域以便更容易躲避。
    • Widening a Bee Hive in the Underground Jungle is a fast and effective way of making an arena for fighting Plantera (but watch out for the Larva unless you want to intentionally summon Queen Bee).
    • Make sure the area has no background walls. This will significantly reduce Plantera’s mobility in phase 2 as they can hook onto walls.
    • Living Fire Blocks work excellently for lighting up the arena in place of torches; Plantera cannot grab onto them.
  • Using a Gravitation Potion can help the player avoid damage from Thorn Balls laying on the ground, as the Thorn Balls obey gravity and fall to the floor. Alternatively, the player can use an arena which has a large empty area at the bottom for Thorn Balls to bounce in, well below the player and out of harm's way.
  • Plantera's Bulbs can spawn in player-made Jungle biomes, which can provide a slightly easier way to fight Plantera.
  • Narrow passages slow Plantera as it takes more time for her to grip the surrounding terrain.
  • The use of a Hellevator combined with wings can make the Plantera fight drastically easier by spawning Plantera at a higher point in the jungle, and gliding downward while using a ranged weapon.
  • In Plantera's second form, her only ranged attack consists of the Spores which are very easy to kill. This means as long as the player maintains their distance, they could kill her while taking little to no damage as long as they have a decently-sized arena.
  • For players on the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version and Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version, it is a good idea to keep the Temple Key for crafting Biome Keys, and enter the Jungle Temple with Actuators instead.


  • The name "Plantera" is a play on the title of the former American groove metal band from the 1990's named Pantera, which is Cenx's favorite band. Plantera drops a hamaxe named "The Axe", that looks like a Gibson Flying V electric guitar. This boss and her drop is a tribute to Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell. Also, the achievement for defeating Plantera is called "The Great Southern Plantkill" in reference to Pantera's eighth studio album The Great Southern Trendkill, and their song named "The Great Southern Trendkill", both released mid 1996. Plantera's boss music is also metal-themed.
  • On the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version, the saving icon is one of the Thorn Balls that Plantera fires.
  • Plantera has the largest amount of drops in the game, beating even the Queen Bee at 16.
  • Plantera is one of 6 bosses with exclusive music, the others being Queen Slime, Empress of Light, Duke Fishron, Moon Lord and Queen Bee.
    • Plantera was also the first boss to have exclusive music, having her own music ever since she was added.
  • Plantera appears to be an overgrown snapdragon flower with its petals shut in her first phase, while the Spores are snapdragons with their petals shut.
  • According to Cenx, Plantera is female.[4]
  • Plantera and the Empress of Light have the only musical instrument drops of any boss, with The Axe and the Stellar Tune having the same drop chance as well.
    • Coincidentally, both are female bosses with enraged forms.
  • If including the Mud Bud, Plantera gives access to the most Pet summoning items of any boss, these being the Mud Bud, Seedling, and Plantera Seedling.
  • The Otherworldly music used for Plantera is named "Rage of Tarunnk" in the Terraria: Otherworld official soundtrack.
  • The 怪物图鉴物图 entry for 世纪之花: "A dormant, yet powerful floral guardian awoken by the fallout of Cthulhu's destroyed machinations. Its reach spans the entire jungle."


  • 电脑版 修正了对于非英语用户世纪之花的标志信息不会被触发的问题。
  • 电脑版 1.2.4: 修正了“丛林变得焦躁不安... ”讯息会在打败血肉墙时出现的 Bug,这个 Bug最常在在线服务器上出现。
  • 电脑版
    • 世纪之花不再为日食所需要。
    • 其速度已被降低。
    • 世纪之花现在会在被带出丛林或到地表上时变得愤怒。
  • 电脑版 第一次击杀时会显示讯息“地牢中回荡着尖叫声...”。
  • 电脑版
    • 修正了打败世纪之花会强制使用服务器端字符的问题。
    • 日食现在只会在世纪之花被打败后发生。
  • 电脑版
    • 现在需要打败世纪之花才能让困难模式地牢敌怪生成。
    • 困难模式的猩红、腐化、和神圣的蔓延速度现在会在杀死世纪之花后减缓,而非在击杀任意机械 Boss 后。


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI() in Terraria.NPC.cs (under aiStyle == 51). Note that several of Plantera's stats, including damage and defense, are hard-coded there. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  2. 2.0 2.1 For the first time Plantera has been defeated in a given world, the Grenade Launcher will always be selected from the seven options. Otherwise, each option is equally likely.
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, methods RegisterBoss_Plantera() and RegisterBossTrophies() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.ItemDropDatabase.cs and method DoDeathEvents_DropBossPotionsAndHearts() in Terraria.NPC.cs There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  4. Cenx' message in #terraria-chat-1 on the official Terraria Discord server (permalink)