Terraria Wiki

僵尸是常见的地表敌怪,出现于夜晚,是新手玩家在夜幕降临前要搭建庇护所的主要原因。加上恶魔眼,它们通常是玩家遇到的第一种夜行敌怪,因为它们会出现在玩家一开始出生的区域。有多个 NPC 生活在此地区中能减少或防止此处生成敌怪,包括僵尸。

僵尸遵循战士 AI,向玩家走来并在接触时造成伤害。它们能跳起并沿着平台行走。僵尸似乎会反复击打出现在其路径上的关着的,但它们中的大多数都无法开门,除非是在血月(此期间会生成会开门的血腥僵尸);孢子僵尸则在任何时候都能开门。



Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
2 values: Pre-Hardmode › Hardmode
3 values: Pre-Hardmode › Hardmode › Post-Plantera
NPC ID 类型 生命值 伤害 防御 击退抗性 钱币 额外掉落
3 Zombie 僵尸 45/90198296/135297444 14/285074/4275111 6/61218 50%/55%/60% 60Pre-Hardmode: 150Hardmode: 240Post-Plantera: 360
    -26 Zombie 僵尸 40/81178266/121267399 12/254566/376799 5/51016 45%/51%/56% 54Pre-Hardmode: 135Hardmode: 216Post-Plantera: 324
      -27 Zombie 僵尸 49/99217325/148326488 15/305581/4682122 6/61319 55%/60%/64% 66Pre-Hardmode: 165Hardmode: 264Post-Plantera: 396
        430 Armed Zombie 僵尸(Expert Mode exclusive) 90198296/135297444 285074/4275111
        3562 (爪撕攻击)
        61218 55%/60% Pre-Hardmode: 150Hardmode: 240Post-Plantera: 360
          132 Bald Zombie 僵尸 40/80176264/120264396 15/305480/4581120 5/51015 50%/55%/60% 65Pre-Hardmode: 162Hardmode: 260Post-Plantera: 390
            -28 Bald Zombie 僵尸 34/68149224/102224336 12/254568/3868102 4/4812 43%/48%/54% 55Pre-Hardmode: 137Hardmode: 221Post-Plantera: 331
              -29 Bald Zombie 僵尸 46/92202303/138303455 17/346292/5193138 5/51117 58%/62%/66% 74Pre-Hardmode: 186Hardmode: 299Post-Plantera: 448
                186 Pincushion Zombie 僵尸 50/100220/150330 16/3256/4884 8/816 55%/60%/64% 65Pre-Hardmode: 162Hardmode: 260
                -30 Pincushion Zombie 僵尸 46/93204/139306 14/2952/4478 7/714 52%/57%/61% 60Pre-Hardmode: 150Hardmode: 241
                -31 Pincushion Zombie 僵尸 56/112248/169372 18/3663/5494 9/918 61%/65%/69% 73Pre-Hardmode: 183Hardmode: 293
                432 Armed Pincushion Zombie 僵尸(Expert Mode exclusive) 100220/150330 3256/4884
                4070 (爪撕攻击)
                816 60%/64% Pre-Hardmode: 162Hardmode: 260
                187 Slimed Zombie 僵尸 40/80176264/120264396 13/264670/3969105 6/61218 45%/51%/56% 55Pre-Hardmode: 137Hardmode: 220Post-Plantera: 330
                -32 Slimed Zombie 僵尸 35/71156234/106234352 11/234062/346193 5/51016 39%/45%/51% 48Pre-Hardmode: 121Hardmode: 195Post-Plantera: 293
                -33 Slimed Zombie 僵尸 44/88195293/133293439 14/285177/4376116 6/61319 51%/56%/61% 61Pre-Hardmode: 152Hardmode: 244Post-Plantera: 366
                433 Armed Slimed Zombie 僵尸(Expert Mode exclusive) 80176264/120264396 264670/3969105
                3257 (爪撕攻击)
                61218 51%/56% Pre-Hardmode: 137Hardmode: 220Post-Plantera: 330
                188 Swamp Zombie 僵尸 45/90198296/135297444 13/264670/3969105 8/81624 55%/60%/64% 80Pre-Hardmode: 2Hardmode: 320Post-Plantera: 480
                  -34 Swamp Zombie 僵尸 39/78172257/117258386 11/224060/336091 6/61320 49%/54%/59% 69Pre-Hardmode: 174Hardmode: 278Post-Plantera: 417
                    -35 Swamp Zombie 僵尸 50/101223334/152335501 14/295179/4477118 9/91827 61%/65%/69% 90Pre-Hardmode: 225Hardmode: 361Post-Plantera: 542
                      434 Armed Swamp Zombie 僵尸(Expert Mode exclusive) 90198296/135297444 264670/3969105
                      3257 (爪撕攻击)
                      81624 60%/64% Pre-Hardmode: 2Hardmode: 320Post-Plantera: 480
                        189 Twiggy Zombie 僵尸 45/90198296/135297444 16/325686/4884129 4/4812 45%/51%/56% 70Pre-Hardmode: 175Hardmode: 280Post-Plantera: 420
                          -36 Twiggy Zombie 僵尸 41/82182272/124273408 14/295179/4477118 3/3711 41%/47%/52% 64Pre-Hardmode: 161Hardmode: 257Post-Plantera: 386
                            -37 Twiggy Zombie 僵尸 48/97213319/145320479 17/346092/5190139 4/4812 49%/54%/60% 75Pre-Hardmode: 189Hardmode: 32Post-Plantera: 453
                              435 Armed Twiggy Zombie 僵尸(Expert Mode exclusive) 90198296/135297444 325686/4884129
                              4070 (爪撕攻击)
                              4812 51%/56% Pre-Hardmode: 175Hardmode: 280Post-Plantera: 420
                                200 Female Zombie 僵尸 38/76250334/114375501 12/246486/3696129 4/41216 40%/46%/52% 65Pre-Hardmode: 162Hardmode: 390Post-Plantera: 520
                                  -44 Female Zombie 僵尸 33/66217290/99326435 10/205574/3183112 3/31013 32%/39%/46% 56Pre-Hardmode: 140Hardmode: 339Post-Plantera: 452
                                    -45 Female Zombie 僵尸 39/79262350/119393526 12/256790/37100135 4/41216 43%/49%/54% 68Pre-Hardmode: 170Hardmode: 49Post-Plantera: 546
                                      436 Armed Female Zombie 僵尸(Expert Mode exclusive) 76250334/114375501 246486/3696129
                                      3080 (爪撕攻击)
                                      41216 46%/52% Pre-Hardmode: 162Hardmode: 390Post-Plantera: 520
                                        590 Torch Zombie 僵尸 45/90198296/135297444 14/285074/4275111 6/61218 50%/55%/60% 60Pre-Hardmode: 150Hardmode: 240Post-Plantera: 360
                                        591 Armed Torch Zombie 僵尸(Expert Mode exclusive) 90198296/135297444 285074/4275111
                                        8080 (爪撕攻击)
                                        61218 55%/60% Pre-Hardmode: 150Hardmode: 240Post-Plantera: 360
                                        319 Doctor Zombie 僵尸 40/80176/120264 20/4072/60108 6/612 40%/46%/52% 85Pre-Hardmode: 212Hardmode: 340
                                          320 Superman Zombie 僵尸 60/120264/180396 15/3054/4581 8/816 50%/55%/60% 15Pre-Hardmode: 262Hardmode: 420
                                            321 Pixie Zombie 僵尸 34/6874148/102111222 20/403672/6054108 14/141428 70%/73%/76% 120Pre-Hardmode: 3Hardmode: 240Post-Plantera: 480
                                              331 Xmas Zombie 僵尸 45/90198296/135297444 14/285074/4275111 6/61218 50%/55%/60% 60Pre-Hardmode: 150Hardmode: 240Post-Plantera: 360
                                                332 Sweater Zombie 僵尸 45/90198296/135297444 14/285074/4275111 6/61218 50%/55%/60% 60Pre-Hardmode: 150Hardmode: 240Post-Plantera: 360



                                                  • 僵尸有时候会生的比正常更大或更小;更大的僵尸有更高的生命、伤害、防御、和击退抗性,而更小的僵尸有更快的速度和更小的碰撞框,可以挤进 1.5 格高度的缝隙。
                                                  • 僵尸在黎明时会试图离开屏幕,但终究还是会攻击玩家,尤其是他们离开屏幕的路被挡住的时候。一旦离开屏幕他们就会立即消失。
                                                  • 如果找不到通向玩家的清晰路线,僵尸会离开。但它们不认为会挡路,哪怕当时不是血月


                                                  • 虽然它们移动得慢,但是非常擅跳。它们也有相当量的生命值,并能对新手玩家造成显著伤害。新手玩家在夜晚最好留在室内,直到有了更好的武器和更高的防御
                                                  • 沼泽僵尸是最快的僵尸,并且对新手玩家而言有很高的击退抗性。
                                                  • 一把简陋的木剑不断挥舞就足以和一或二只僵尸僵持。三只或更多僵尸可能能通过剑幕并造成伤害。能同时击中多个敌怪的武器效果最好。要轻松杀死僵尸,可以建造个熔岩机关。长矛魔刺干这个也非常理想。远程武器效果也很好,比如手里剑投刀是能穿透多个敌怪的远程武器,这使得它们同样也是好选择。


                                                  • 如果想要在血月期间彻底避开僵尸,用任何类型的物块挡住门就能阻止僵尸进到家中。在门内侧挨着门放置木平台木梁家具都能防止门向内打开,而这是僵尸进入的唯一方法。
                                                  • 放置在高出地面的位置,或在门前挖个宽两格高两格的壕沟能迫使僵尸跳到门上,而跳起中它们无法开门。
                                                  • 另一个策略是并排放置两扇门,这样 NPC 的行动不会受到封锁。血月期间的僵尸、任何地下骷髅、或困难模式的敌怪能通过猛推门将其打开,但这种策略下外面那扇门向里开时会被里面那扇门挡住。如果外面的门已被打开,此方法就无效了。


                                                  • 偶尔,中箭僵尸受到伤害时,他的身上会掉下损坏的木箭,但其无法回收。
                                                  • 秃头僵尸是唯一不会在专家模式中携带手臂的常规僵尸种类。
                                                  • 武装女性僵尸对应的内部名称是 ArmedZombieCenx,是对 Cenx 的引用。
                                                  • 武装中箭僵尸的内部名字被拼作 ArmedZombiePincussion

                                                  怪物图鉴物图 entries

                                                  • 僵尸: "Leaving doors open may be an invitation for shambling brain-eaters to enter the home, and nobody likes that."
                                                  • 史莱姆僵尸: "Sometimes, a slime's victim will turn into a zombie mid-digestion. Walking around like that is quite awkward for both parties."
                                                  • 火把僵尸: "In life, this torch-wielding zombie joined an angry mob to hunt the undead. In death, it joined an undead mob to hunt the living."
                                                  • 万圣节僵尸: "Wearing costumes isn't fooling anyone; these zombies are clearly way too old to be trick or treating."
                                                  • 圣诞节僵尸: "Even zombies can celebrate the holidays. Their festive outfits are just right, but their holiday spirit could use some work."



                                                  • 电脑版
                                                    • 添加了蝇蛆僵尸和火把僵尸。
                                                    • 爱斯基摩僵尸重命名为冰冻僵尸。
                                                  • 电脑版 1.3.2: 普通僵尸、史莱姆僵尸、秃头僵尸和沼泽僵尸外观更新。
                                                  • 电脑版 1.2.2: 添加了圣诞僵尸和毛衣僵尸种类,仅在圣诞节期间生成。
                                                  • 电脑版 1.2.1: 添加了护士僵尸、超级英雄僵尸、和妖精僵尸这些种类,仅在万圣节期间生成。