Terraria Wiki
Frost Moon"The Frost Moon is rising..."Frost Moon

霜月是在打败世纪之花之后出现的圣诞节主题事件,在夜晚任意时间使用调皮礼物召唤,直到黎明(4:30 AM)结束。此事件可以在一年中的任一天被召唤而不需要真正发生在圣诞节季节。在事件期间,独特而又十分难对付的敌人会以高速率生成并攻击玩家。它和南瓜月事件类似,但难度更大也稍微增加更多内容。从视觉上看,月亮会变成雪人头,虽然仍会保持当前的月相


霜月事件总是在4:30 AM结束,玩家的目标就是在事件结束前完成全部20波的攻击,虽然该事件的成就是在第15波中获得的。[1]

召唤霜月事件的道具调皮礼物,其制作材料只能靠玩家击败困难模式世界中的世纪之花之后才可取得(但事件本身在困难模式之前的世界中可以召唤)。因此,这个事件主要是在提供一项挑战给那些装备可能快封顶的玩家。在最终波中,需要同时与多个 Boss 级的敌怪战斗。

霜月的敌人会掉落强力的武器,以及宠物时装物品。大部分掉落物是极为罕见的,就算玩家能设法完成事件也会注意到他们必须要多经历好几次才能获得这些物品。Boss 掉落物品的几率随着波数的推进而增加。具体的战利品和纪念章掉落率请参阅下节(战利品)。

在4:30 AM前达成第15波敌人的话,将会在到达4:30 AM时显示信息“The spirit of Christmas spreads cheer...”。而那一整个白天和夜晚都会显示圣诞节的特效。第二天4:30 AM时会显示信息“The spirit of Christmas fades...”然后所有圣诞节的特效将消失,直到圣诞节再次开始或者玩家再次在霜月事件中达成第15波敌人。[2]



击杀分数 [1]
敌怪 1.3之前 . [[专家模式|]]
僵尸精灵 1 2
姜饼人 2 4
精灵弓箭手 3 6
胡桃夹士 4 8
雪花怪 5 0 0
精灵直升机 8 16
坎卜斯 10 0 0
雪兽 18 36
礼物宝箱怪 20 40
常绿尖叫怪 50 100
圣诞坦克 100 200
冰雪女王 150 300
波数 所需分数 敌人 [1]
1 0 僵尸精灵, 和姜饼人
2 25 僵尸精灵, 和精灵弓箭手
3 40 僵尸精灵, 精灵弓箭手, 姜饼人胡桃夹士
4 50 常绿尖叫怪, 僵尸精灵, 精灵弓箭手, 和姜饼人
5 80 常绿尖叫怪, 僵尸精灵, 精灵弓箭手, 和胡桃夹士
6 100 常绿尖叫怪, 精灵弓箭手, 胡桃夹士, 和精灵直升机
7 160 圣诞坦克, 姜饼人, 精灵弓箭手, 和僵尸精灵
8 180 圣诞坦克, 精灵直升机, 精灵弓箭手, 胡桃夹士, 和坎卜斯
9 200 圣诞坦克, 常绿尖叫怪, 胡桃夹士, 精灵直升机, 和姜饼人
10 250 圣诞坦克, 常绿尖叫怪, 坎卜斯, 僵尸精灵, 和精灵直升机
11 300 冰雪女王, 雪花怪, 僵尸精灵, 和姜饼人
12 375 冰雪女王, 常绿尖叫怪, 姜饼人, 雪兽, 和僵尸精灵
13 450 冰雪女王, 圣诞坦克, 精灵直升机, 姜饼人, 和雪花怪
14 525 冰雪女王, 圣诞坦克, 常绿尖叫怪, 雪兽, 和坎卜斯
15 675 冰雪女王, 圣诞坦克, 常绿尖叫怪, 雪兽, 和精灵直升机
16 850 冰雪女王, 圣诞坦克, 常绿尖叫怪, 雪兽, 和雪花怪
17 1025 冰雪女王, 圣诞坦克, 常绿尖叫怪, 雪兽, 坎卜斯, 和精灵直升机
18 1325 冰雪女王, 圣诞坦克, 常绿尖叫怪, 雪兽, 胡桃夹士坎卜斯
19 1550 冰雪女王, 圣诞坦克, 常绿尖叫怪, 和雪兽
20 2000 冰雪女王, 圣诞坦克, 和常绿尖叫怪
  • 到达特定波数所需的分数总和:第15波:3410,第20波:10160。
  • 礼物宝箱怪的出现不受波数的影响,只要周围的礼物宝箱怪少于4个,它可以在任意波出现。
  • 同时出现的BOSS的最大值受波数的影响。当出现的BOSS达到最大值时(或许会超过这个值,比如玩家把第6波的两只常绿尖叫怪留到了第9波),就不会再有同类型的BOSS生成了。
Boss生成限制 [3]
波数 常绿尖叫怪
4 1 - -
5 1 - -
6 2 - -
7 - 1 -
8 - 1 -
9 1 1 -
10 1 2 -
11 - - 1
12 1 - 1
13 - 1 1
14 1 1 1
15 3 2 1
16 4 2 2
17 5 3 2
18 6 4 3
19 7 5 4
20 无限制


  • All of the boss-type enemies (Ice Queen, Santa-NK1 and Everscream) have increased chances to drop loot in later waves. This chance starts at a 10% (20%) chance in wave 4, and grows at a nonlinear increasing rate up to 16.67% (100%) by wave 15, continuing to 25% (100%) by wave 20.[4]
    • The above chance does affect trophies as of version .4.0.; in all other versions, trophies are not also affected by the above chance.
    • The exact formula for the drop chance is 1 divided by the maximum of either of: 30 minus W then divided by 2, where W is the current wave number (plus 7 if in [[专家模式|]] or 师模), and E is 0 in Classic or 2 in Expert/Master. [[运气|]] does affect this chance.[4]
  • In all versions, trophies have their own, seperate chance to drop (which, on Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, and Nintendo Switch version Switch, also applies alongside the general drop chance, as explained above). Starting at wave 15 (or, on tModLoader version tModLoader, at wave 8 in Expert Mode), there is a chance each Ice Queen, Santa-NK1 and Everscream killed will drop its respective trophy. This chance increases at wave 17, and again at wave 19; on tModLoader version tModLoader in Expert Mode, these increases instead happen at wave 10 and at wave 12, respectively. On Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, and Nintendo Switch version Switch, Luck does not affect this chance. The trophy drop rates for each version in each wave are shown in the table below.[5]
波数 战利品掉落几率 实际战利品掉落几率
普通 / 专家 专家 普通 专家 普通 普通 专家
15 8 1/4 3 / 11 4.17% 25% 27.27%
16 9 1/4 3 / 11 5% 25% 27.27%
17 10 1/3 3 / 8 6.67% 33.33% 37.5%
18 11 1/3 3 / 8 8.33% 33.33% 37.5%
19+ 12+ 1/2 3 / 5 12.5% 50% 60%


  • 霜月事件有时会随着(全体玩家)离开游戏重新进入游戏后结束。
  • On the tModLoader version tModLoader version, Everscream, Santa-NK1 and Ice Queen can drop their trophies as early as wave 8 in 家模.[4]
  • 水蜡烛和平蜡烛战斗药水镇静药水在这场入侵事件中无效,和其他事件一样。
  • 如果玩家在事件中死亡,事件不会取消。玩家可以继续重生并可以接着和敌人战斗直到黎明。在单人模式中,退出世界并重新载入世界将取消事件。
  • 霜月不会与血月重叠出现。在血月中召唤霜月将會会产生一个普通的霜月。
  • 在霜月事件中召唤海盗入侵事件将会取消霜月事件。
  • 当黎明破晓时(事件结束),所有Boss级敌怪如果仍存在于玩家的屏幕上,将会开始朝单方向快速移动至屏幕外消失。这时还有可能追上或甚至杀死一些Boss。
  • 追击事件结束后的敌怪不会掉落任何稀有物品。


Achievement Ice Scream
Ice Scream • Reach the 15th wave of a frost moon, where the festive season quickly degrades into madness.
Reach the 15th wave of a Frost Moon.


For more elaborate strategies on defeating 霜月, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Guide:Frost Moon strategies.
  • Because spawn rates for areas where Frost Moon enemies cannot spawn are also increased, a Frost Moon can be used to farm for other items, e.g., Pirate Maps at the Ocean, while completely avoiding the Frost Moon enemies.
  • The Frost Moon enemies are susceptible to the Ichor debuff, which makes a Flask of Ichor, Ichor Arrows or Bullets, or the Golden Shower very effective.
  • Players should kill the enemies as soon as they spawn to ensure that more enemies can spawn continuously in order to increase the chances of reaching later waves.
  • The Frost Moon can be a great way to obtain a large amount of coins quickly.
  • A good potion to use is the Warmth Potion as it decreases damage significantly from enemies in the event.
  • Try to make a trap area, this does not mean an AFK Farm but a location fixed with traps. Use this farm with a lever to keep the traps on and keep them on while you fight the mini bosses. This could help with the mobs while you fight mini bosses.


  • 霜月是游戏中最难的一个事件,直到更新到 .3.0., 在那之后被月球事件取代.
  • This is one of the few post-1.2 features available on the 3DS version.


  • 电脑版
    • Made it slightly easier to advance in Frost Moon waves.
    • Made several Frost Moon monsters shoot slower and do less damage.
  • 电脑版 1.2.3:
    • Pumpkin Moon and Frost Moon can now be started when using a Snowman pet.
    • All waves in Frost Moon correctly use "Flocko" in the warning.
    • Flocko & Elf Copter now both correctly run away at dawn.
    • Fixed frost moon wave display text (Elf Zombie to Zombie Elf).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method CheckProgressFrostMoon() in Terraria.NPC.cs There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method CheckForMoonEventsStartingTemporarySeasons() in Terraria.Main.cs There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method SpawnNPC() in Terraria.NPC.cs There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method RegisterBoss_FrostMoon() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.ItemDropDatabase.cs and class FrostMoonDropGatingChance in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.Conditions.cs There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  5. For trophies, Expert Mode has a 1/3 (33.33%) chance of reducing the denominator by 1 compared to Classic Mode; e.g. in Expert Mode on wave 15 on Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, and Nintendo Switch version Switch (or on wave 8 on tModLoader version tModLoader), there is a 2/3 chance that the drop rate will be 1 in 4 (25%), but a 1/3 chance that the drop rate will be 1 in 3 (33.33%); thus, the average of these outcomes is ≈ 27.27%; on Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, and Nintendo Switch version Switch, this does not take into account the overall item drop chance. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method RegisterBoss_FrostMoon() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.ItemDropDatabase.cs and class FrostMoonDropGateForTrophies in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.Conditions.cs There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is

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